
The Best Planner for Tracking your Health November 10, 2016 05:00

This blog post is a part of the series "The Best Planner for..." which provides suggestions for ways in which you can use the UPstudio Planner.  Each post in this series will focus on a different way to utilize the planner layout. The UPstudio Planner is designed for versatility, and is suited for many uses and not limited to the featured suggestions.  Show us how you use your planner by sending us an email at, or tagging us on social media (all handles can be found on our website).

It's all downhill after Halloween - in regards to my eating habits at the end of the year that is.  Even before Halloween is here, that bowl of candy waiting for Trick-or-Treaters is too inviting to pass up, and then there's the leftover candy... Someone's gotta take care of it, right?  The weather is cooler, which means it's acceptable to start wearing bulkier clothes, and of course there's no explanation required for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There is food everywhere, and we're not talking veggie trays.  With all of the tempting goodies, I need a way to plan and track my health, and hold myself accountable so I don't go too far off the deep end.  

We've already discussed the Best Planner for Meal Planning, and staying healthy through choosing wholesome meals.  In addition to that, the UPstudio planner is the perfect way to keep everything in check and track basic aspects of my health.  Some might believe that there are better ways to track health, in wearable devices or even through your phone, but I would argue that keeping track in a planner (perhaps in tandem with use of a fitness tracker) is the best way for a few reasons:

  • You can actually make a plan, instead of just tracking, and then compare what you did to what your plan was.
  • While a fitness tracker is great for some things, there is more to health than just how many steps you take in a day.  Writing everything down in a planner then allows you to visualize each aspect together - including exercise, water consumed, meals, sleep, etc.  Think of it as a dashboard for your whole health.
  • Your health plan can be side by side with your daily schedule, therefore it's easier to schedule realistic goals and not feel discouraged by not completing a lofty task.
  • Writing things down keeps you accountable to yourself.

The UPstudio Planner is suited to address all of these and more with its versatile layout.  The monthly goals sheet can address long term goals - losing weight, trying new recipes, even posting a photo or your beginning of the month stats to compare from month to month.


The monthly layout can be used in a variety of ways.  Suggested here is showing which days you exercised with a key - a great way to visualize how you did at the end of the month.


The weekly layout shown below is just one example of a way to both plan and track your health.  For this, I used the information logged on my iPhone and transferred it into my planner to see it at a glance, paired with my daily water intake, exercise goals and achievements, hours of sleep, and meals.  Because I could see everything in a 'dashboard' style, it was easy to see how things related:  I was working on 2 big deadlines last week and my meals suffered because of it.. when I ran errands, I walked a considerable amount more than just walking around the office.. and when you have kids you just really never get enough sleep.  A harsh reality. 


We challenge you to use the UPstudio Planner and test it our for yourself based on your own health needs!

UPstudio Features and Upcoming Events November 3, 2016 05:00

We shared in our recent blog series, Planning a Planner v2017, the changes and improvements made to the 2017 UPstudio Planner. We gave a lot of insight into why we made certain decisions. Since its release, we have loved hearing your feedback and reviews. Check out some of them for yourself... 


Earn Spend Live : The 6 Best Planners for Men 

Earn Spend Live : The 6 Best Planners for Men

The Essential BS : UPstudio 2017 Planner Review: A Simple Choice

The Essential BS Review of the 2017 UPstudio Planner

Earn Spend Live: 2017 UPstudio Planner Review: Upgrades Galore

Earn Spend Live Review of 2017 UPstudio Planner


We would love to meet you and would appreciate your support at our upcoming events. High fives are always free! 

  • November 12th: Come check out our booth from 9am-4:30pm at the Mistletoe Market Holiday Fair at Wakefield High School. This is a fun event filled with crafts, holiday merchandise, and food! Find us outside in the "Reindeer Run" booth 8. Admission is $5.
  • November 20th: We will be participating in the Annual St. Jude Kick Off, "A Night of Giving" hosted by West Elm. The event is from 6-9pm. Donations will be going to the St. Jude Miracle Network. Local vendors will be spread through out Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, Pottery Barn Teen, Williams Sonoma, and West Elm. There will be catering and live demos all with an emphasis on Holiday gift giving and entertaining. The stores are also raffling a $1000 gift card. Come out and support a great cause!
  • December 11th: We will be part of The Holiday Patchwork Market  at The Durham Armory (220 Foster Street, Durham, NC 27701) from 12pm-5pm. Come finish (or start) your holiday shopping! 

Our Featured page always has the most up to date list of reviews and features along with a list of upcoming events. 

Tune in next week for the second installment of "The Best Planner for... " series. We'll be focusing on 'Health'.

The Best Planner for Meal Planning October 27, 2016 05:00

This blog post is a part of the series "The Best Planner for..." which provides suggestions for ways in which you can use the UPstudio Planner.  Each post in this series will focus on a different way to utilize the planner layout. The UPstudio Planner is designed for versatility, and is suited for many uses and not limited to the featured suggestions.  Show us how you use your planner by sending us an email at, or tagging us on social media (all handles can be found on our website).  **This is the first post in this series.

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning

I don't know about you, but I love the idea of meal planning.  Not even the kind where you buy everything on a Saturday morning, then spend the rest of the weekend chopping and prepping and organizing recipes in Ziplock bags so that you have a freezer full of meals on hand (although this is beyond impressive!)  I'm talking about just picking out recipes, shopping to make sure that you have all the ingredients, and then having a loose plan of knowing what you're going to make for each meal during the week.  If I don't have a plan, I flounder.  After a long day at work, a lot of times my husband and I will ask each other 'what do you want for dinner?' while repeatedly opening and closing the refrigerator, the freezer, and the pantry, eventually wasting enough time that we will pour a bowl of cereal and call it a night (don't worry, we still make sure our kids are fed well).  If I have a meal plan for the week and am actually prepared, then my entire week runs so much more smoothly!

Being able to make a meal plan takes a couple of items to really work well:  a way to plan and track what meals to make and what items need to be purchased, and good go-to recipes.  The UPstudio Planner is so versatile, with open categories that can be filled out from week to week.  Some weeks I'll use the same categories, and sometimes I'll change it up - it really depends on what my current needs are.  For meal planning, I like to fill out the headings with "Breakfast", "Lunch", and "Dinner" (I didn't say it was rocket science).  Then I'll fill them out accordingly with meals to make, factoring in my plans for the week (my schedule is right above my meal plan - how convenient!)  (Photo below)

I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of the new 100 Days of Real Food - Fast and Fabulous cookbook, and was able to use this all last week for my meal planning.  Let me tell you - I LOVE THIS COOKBOOK!  If you don't know Lisa Leake and her team at 100 Days of Real Food, then you're missing out.  I encourage you to check out her website and purchase her cookbooks (or try a few recipes from her website first!).  Lisa is 100% real.  She cooks real food from real ingredients, but is also realistic about what to make yourself and what's ok to buy at the store.  She openly cheats and lets her kids cheat on 'non-real' foods occasionally, but part of what I love about her is that her kids are so involved with food shopping and cooking, they will choose the real food over the processed.  Her "Fast and Fabulous" cookbook even has a guide for the best types of foods to buy at regular grocery stores - from Wal-Mart to Whole Foods to farmers markets and everything in between.  Seriously, order this cookbook today.

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning


After looking through the cookbook first, I had my husband highlight some meals in every category that looked good to him.  I chose meals to make based on what I knew my whole family would like, what ingredients I had on hand, and honestly what seemed easy enough that I could make it on a weeknight after a full day of work.  Here is what my plan looked like:

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning

Having my overall schedule for the week in the same place as my meal plan is so convenient!   After making each meal, I wrote notes about them in the graph section at the bottom of the page so I can reference for next time I make the recipe.


Next, I referenced the recipes from 100 Days of Real Food - Fast and Fabulous with my food supply, and made a list of everything I needed to buy:

UPstudio Sticky Pad, Great for Grocery Lists

I prefer to write my grocery list on a smaller single sheet of paper - like this sticky pad


I did all my shopping on Sunday afternoon, then Sunday evening I made all my breakfasts for the week (overnight oats!), as well as sour cream and onion chicken salad for sandwiches all week:

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning  UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning

I'm a big fan of overnight oats and the recipe in this cookbook didn't disappoint.  The sour cream and onion chicken salad was also delicious and will be made again soon!


I only made 3 dinners that week, because I knew we would be out one night, and knew that the recipes would make more than we could eat in one sitting.  Each of them were delicious, and I went out of my comfort zone for my Friday night meal - but it turned out great!

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning  

UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning UPstudio Planner, Best Planner for Meal Planning 

After we ate the veggie and bean burritos with cilantro lime crema, my husband high fived me - this one was a big hit.  The sloppy joes were a fun and tasty meal, and a good way to sneak in some extra veggies.  The parmesan crusted chicken also got rave reviews from my husband and MIL!


Without my UPstudio Planner and the easy and delicious meals from 100 Days of Real Food - Fast and Fabulous, my week would've felt more hectic, rushed, and unprepared.  Arm yourself with the right tools, and meal planning can really help alleviate any extra stress from not knowing what to cook!

Recap: 2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party October 20, 2016 05:00

We were overwhelmed and excited by the turn out last Friday at the 2017 UPstudio Planner release party. We had a blast celebrating with both old and new friends. We feel so encouraged by all of the conversations of the evening. Your support is amazing. Thank you.

Jessie of Ramble Supply Co. was such a great host. If you haven't checked out her shop, make a point to next time you're downtown. And the donuts contributed by Manhattan Cafe were amazing! 

For those of you that weren't able to make it to the party, we hope to see you next time!

A few highlights courtesy of our great friend Steve...

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

We had a table set up to share about the development process of the UPstudio Planner.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

Waiting for you to arrive! 

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

The party wouldn't have been complete without our biggest supporters!

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party

or a team picture.. 

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planners are now on the shelf and available at Ramble Supply Co.

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party at Ramble Supply Co.

Bullet Journaling and the UPstudio Planner October 13, 2016 05:30

Hi, Mary Beth here, let me preface this blog post with: I am 1/2 owner and designer of a company founded on creating the perfect paper planner, I know this. So why am I sharing about bullet journaling? Isn't it competing with the traditional paper planner? Kind of would be my answer. The UPstudio Planner is however one of the most versatile on the market. There are great components of the bullet journal system that can be incorporated into the UPstudio Planner format. The tweaks we made to the 2017 UPstudio Planner make it even easier to utilize the bullet journal system. 

Today I'm going to share one way to accomplish this. Just as the UPstudio Planner is versatile and adaptable, so is the bullet journal system, thus, there are plenty of different ways to pair the two together, this is just one idea. 

The bullet journal system is comprised of 4 key concepts: Indexing, Collections, Rapid-Logging, and Migration.


Typically your index is at the front of your bullet journal where you keep track of what you use every page for, every collection you make, whether it be your weekly layout, or a list of books to read. In the new 2017 UPstudio Planner layout the first portion of the planner is our monthly and weekly layouts and then the second half consists of 54 numbered graph pages. So the first two pages of the graph paper section can be your index to catalog what is on the remaining 52 pages. The nice parts is that you don't have to use this section for your monthly or weekly layouts, just your additional collections. I also plan to keep my "key" on the first page to remind me of my bullet types and signifiers for my rapid-logging.

Bullet Journal Index with the 2017 UPstudio Planner


The remaining pages of the graph paper section can be used for all of your collections. Whether it be a habit tracker, a birthday list, meal planner, whatever you want. Just remember to log your collections in your index for easy reference. The page markers also make it easy to turn to your next fresh page. 

Bullet Journal Collections with the 2017 UPstudio Planner

Rapid-Logging / Migration

The UPstudio Planner weekly layout is what really sets the planner apart. The flexibility of the layout really lends itself to rapid-logging and migration. I use the top portion for my list of tasks, and then I use the lower sections to separate out events and notes. I personally like separating out these lists instead of incorporating them all together, helps me prioritize better. Tasks that I don't complete that day, I mark as migrated, and add them to the following day, or later that week. When I add a new collection to my "collection section" or graph paper at the back I reference it by its page number on my weekly view to help me locate it faster.

Bullet Journal Rappid Logging and Migration with 2017 UPstudio Planner

Are you a bullet journaler or want to give it a try? We shared some great resources previously to help get you started. When you're ready, try out a free sample of the 2017 UPstudio Planner and see if it works for your bullet journaling style. 

Lessons Learned: Starting a Business With a Friend October 6, 2016 05:00

"Should I start a new business with a friend?"

Mary Beth and I have been asked this question multiple times because this is exactly what we did with UPstudio.  We are in a unique position, since we work together in our day jobs, so in actuality, we had been working together for years prior to the founding of UPstudio.  We knew we worked well together because of that, and because of our friendship.  But, we have given a lot of thought to this question since we've been working together.  Our short answer is yes, start a new business with a friend - with the huge caveat that it has to be the right person.  Starting a business is kind of a big deal, and there are a ton of factors that go in to it - more than we realized when we started out.  During a 'Real Talk' interview that we did with Earn Spend Live, we discussed a bit about what it's like to work with a friend and if we would recommend it.  The article touches on a few points, but here are some more in depth thoughts that we highly recommend considering before you jump in with a partner:

Do you like this person?
Seriously.  This seems like a silly question, but you have to take into account how much time you'll be spending together... even when you're not together, you're still communicating all day long.  MB and I often text early in the morning, talk on our lunch breaks at our day jobs, and then text / call / skype again in the evenings.  We have meetings on nights and weekends, and we go to festivals and shows together where we sell our products.  You're basically committing to a level just below marriage, so make sure you actually like your potential business partner.

Do your goals align?
What does the idea of this business mean to both of you - is it a hobby?  A career?  A creative outlet?  If you're not on the same page with where your business is headed, then it could be an awkward and unfair division of responsibilities.  In addition to your business goals, you need to consider your overall life goals (this sounds intense, but hear me out) - for example, MB and I both have families with small kids, and it's extremely important to both of us that even if we dedicate a lot of extra time to UPstudio, our families are always still our top priority.  If you start a business with someone who has kids and you don't, then there's the potential for things to feel a little one-sided on occasion.  MB and I are also both Christians, so we know that our top priorities outside of working together always align.  

Do you work well together?
This is another one of those questions that seems silly to ask yourself, but it is a legitimate question.  You might like someone, but not be able to work with them.  If you don't agree on something, will you be able to work it out and make a compromise?  We make all kinds of decisions for UPstudio on almost a daily basis.  Most of the time we agree, but sometimes we don't.  In those instances, we take the time to understand each other's point of view, and are able to make an informed decision from there.  In the end, we're always both on board with whatever decision is made.  As mentioned above, MB and I have the unique advantage of working together in our day jobs.  I am an architect and she is a structural engineer, so we've coordinated a number of buildings together, and we knew from that experience that our communication was open and we are able to solve problems together.

Do you have the same financial goals and responsibilities?
Starting a business isn't free.  There are a lot of legal things that need to happen before a business is official (but that's all for another blog post!) but even if your business is something like running an Etsy store, there is generally always some sort of cost associated with what you're doing.  Who purchases supplies for your product?  Marketing and promotion materials?  Money is a sensitive area, so you want to make sure that you and your partner are either 100% equal on what is invested, or that you are both 100% comfortable with the division of financial responsibilities (but we recommend the 50/50 split!) 

Do you both have passion for your business?
This one is pretty simple.  If you aren't both willing to give it 100% most of the time, then you probably shouldn't start the business.  It's pretty obvious that if one person feels 'meh' while they other one is 'YES' then whoever is less enthusiastic will continue to be less enthusiastic, leaving majority of the work left for the other person.  You have to love what you're doing for there to be a future, or for starting a business to make sense in the first place.

Do you have a balance of responsibilities?
When we were first kicking around the idea of creating UPstudio, MB and I sat down and talked about what each of our responsibilities would be.  MB shared that she was much more interested in the business side of things, including accounting, determining which website host would be best, writing code, etc, while I was much more interested in the design and creation of our products.  This does not mean that the other one of us is not interested in the other side and that we don't invest effort in those things too, but it gave us a pretty clear division of responsibilities that just happened to work out perfectly.  One of us will generate an idea, whether it's business or design related, and the designated person will run with it, then we'll meet again to talk about it, make changes, and finalize.  Basically, it's a huge team effort with our main roles defined.  Another note about working with a partner is that life happens.  Sometimes you just can't make things work with your personal schedule, and that is to be expected.  When you're working with someone that you can count on, they can help pick up your slack when you just can't do it.  MB and I have each had babies in the short time that UPstudio has been founded, and during those times, one person is clearly doing that majority of the work - but we're happy to do that for each other, because we know that we'll get that same effort in return when something comes up for us, no question.

All in all, working with a partner is great.  They can inspire you, challenge you, and share all the joys and struggles of running a business.  You're also held accountable when someone is counting on you - I believe you have more of a chance of being successful in a business with a partner - the right partner.  I know I have the right one for this!  (awwwwwww)

Awesome outtakes from a photo session earlier this year

2017 UPstudio Planner Release Party September 29, 2016 05:00

To celebrate the release of the 2017 UPstudio Planner, Jessie of Ramble Supply Co. has graciously offered to host a release party at her shop!

UPstudio 2017 Planner Release Party

We would love to celebrate with you all. It will be very casual, stop in when you can for free wine and donuts. (Only the best donuts ever, provided by Manhattan Cafe.) We plan to have a display set up to share some of the behind the scenes work that was put into creating the UPstudio Planner. There will also be a raffle and giveaways (who doesn't like free stuff?).

If you haven't done so already, don't forget to pre-order your planner and save 10%. If you plan to attend the party and want to pick up your planner there, use code RAMBLE at checkout to take off the cost of shipping. (Feel free to throw in other items you've been eyeing, you can pick them all up at the party.) If you plan to attend the party but something comes up, no worries, you'll still have a planner reserved with your name on it. We'll send you an invoice for the shipping cost and once paid, we'll get it in the mail within one business day.

10% pre-order sale ends October 10th at 11:59pm (EDT).

We look forward to celebrating with you! Please comment or shoot us an e-mail ( if you have any questions.

Behind the Scenes - How We Make Decisions: Pencil Edition September 22, 2016 05:00

If you purchased a 2016 UPstudio Planner, then you know that we give away a little treat to go with it - a pencil.  Pencils and planners go together like... peas and carrots... Forrest and Jenny... donuts and sprinkles.  Take for example a week in the life of my (Becky's) planner usage:  on Monday I wrote down all of the game times for my husband's volleyball team in my planner - in pen.  On Tuesday, I crossed those out and wrote the revised ones.  On Wednesday, same thing.  NO JOKE.  If I had been using a pencil, no problem, but that pen seriously messed with my perfectionist goals.  *Le sigh*  

The 2016 pencil is black and we decided to use it as a marketing tool as well as a gift, so it reads ''.  We decided that we needed a little flair for the gift to go with the 2017 Planner.  Spoiler alert: we stuck with pencils, but wanted to add a phrase on there too instead of just straight marketing.  At a meeting between MB and myself, we generated ideas and came up with a list of phrases, narrowing that down to a short list, and choosing from there.  (Keep in mind, this was after a full day of work at our day jobs (remember, we're an architect and engineer, UPstudio is our side hustle), we both have mom brains on fleek, and at least half of us were sleep deprived with a newborn, so things got a little silly.  We're keeping it real in this post.)

These are the ideas that we used as a guide to generate phrases:

  • We love planners.
  • We love lists.
  • We love hard copies.
  • We love mail.
  • (Disclaimer:  We also love trees despite our love of paper products, let's just clarify that right now)

These are the phrases that we considered for the pencils:

  • No need to click save
  • Take note
  • Paper products are my BFF
  • Send real mail
  • No internet required
  • No need for a backup
  • Don't worry about crashing
  • Save As
  • I like the way you work it - no digital (If you're not singing Blackstreet in your head right now, then forget being my friend.  Just kidding.  Kind of.)
  • No charging required
  • Digital schmidgital
  • Digital is for dummies
  • Digital tools are for tools
  • Old school rules
  • Who needs trees, use paper*
  • This only killed one tree*
  • Paper vs Digital
  • Paper for the win
  • I look perfect on your desk
  • I <3 paper

And the winner is...


In white!  With gold letters!  Perfection!  What other phrase would you like to see?  Leave a comment below and we'll consider all ideas for 2018 (it's coming faster than you think!)

*We really do love trees

August Bullet Journal Collections September 15, 2016 05:00

In the last blog post focusing on bullet journaling we gave you a brief introduction and pointed you to some great resources regarding what bullet journaling is and how it might be perfect for your life. So, head back for a refresher.

On the bullet journal website there are great free starter guides that you can stick in your journal as a reference as you get started to help you create some consistency. But the beauty of bullet journaling is the versatility and flexibility to adapt the system to what works for you. 

Every page in your bullet journal is referred to as a collection (of which you index). Today I wanted to share some of the collections I created in August to help you visualize the system and for inspiration. (For quick reference: If you're using the UPstudio Arrow Journal for your bullet journal system each page is 44 spaces by 28 spaces when you're dividing up your layout.)

Birthday List

I am super bad at remembering birthdays so I decided to start gathering them together (from phone contacts, planner, outlook calendar, husband's brain, etc) and make a master list. Don't worry if you haven't made the cut yet, it is a work in progress!

UPstudio - Bullet Journal - Birthday List

Habit Tracker

I've been trying to hold myself more accountable to things I'd like to do more regularly, to try and create better habits. I thought a visual representation of some of those things might help to motivate me.

UPstudio - Bullet Journal - Habit Tracker

Daily To-Do Lists

I'm a list maker, that is for sure! I tried a new layout one week for my rapid daily logging. A little more appealing to the eye when compared to my average week, I think I like it. Pretty and still 100% functional.

UPstudio - Bullet Journal - Weekly To- Do List for Daily Rapid Logging

Have you started using the bullet journal system (or been at it awhile)? If so, we'd love to see some of your collections. Comment on this post with a link for us (and our readers) to check them out. Looking for ideas to try in September!

FTD Free Downloadable Calendar September 8, 2016 05:00

Flowers are my go-to gift.  No matter if you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or thanking a hostess, flowers can always make a person smile.  When sending flowers, I typically order online, pick out the arrangement that I think the recipient would like best, and that's that.  Who knew that a lot of these companies actually have more than just flowers and gifts on their website?  FTD recently reached out to us about their printable calendars, and we were surprised to learn that they not only have printables, but a blog too!  We dug around and found these fun posts about rainbow tulips and rainbow roses.  Seriously, how cool are these roses?!

The calendar is also right up our alley.  We love that there are options on styles, and the bright colors are fun, especially as summer is winding down and cooler temperatures will soon set in.  Here is how FTD describes them:

"It’s never too late to start fresh and to revamp your calendar for the rest of the year. To help you stay organized in style, FTD created these printable calendars inspired by vintage floral prints. Featuring beautiful blooms like peonies, poppies, and tulips, these calendars are a colorful and fun way to help you plan. Choose from either a foldable desktop size that can sit upright, or a larger wall size that you can hang up. These calendars will be sure to add a pop of color and inspiration to your workspace!"

We love that September even features succulents!

What month is your favorite design?  Oh, and if you want to send us flowers, we won't turn them down (hint hint!)


Free Weekly Layout Download Available for the 2017 UPstudio Planner September 1, 2016 05:30

To close-out the Planning a Planner v2017 blog series last week we discussed the small tweaks made to the weekly layout that we feel improve the overall usage and versatility. 

For some, the flexible and non-confining format might be a little overwhelming. If you're not familiar with this type of layout, we encourage you to try it out! A free download of the 2017 weekly layout is now available in the shop. This is a great way to figure out how the design can best work for you and give it a test run before committing to a purchase.

2017 UPstudio Planner Free Weekly Layout Download

Please note that the layout has been scaled to fit on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper for your convenience, which makes it slightly smaller than actual size.

Love the sample? Think the layout would be perfect to help you organize your life? Well, you're in luck, 2017 UPstudio Planners are available for pre-order. Place your order by October 10th to save 10%! 

Use the free download to help finish out 2016 and prepare for 2017 or there are still a few 2016 planners available for purchase at a discounted price.

Pre-Order a 2017 UPstudio Planner Today! August 26, 2016 05:00

Over the past four weeks in our blog series, Planning a Planner v2017, we've shared the upcoming improvements and changes to the 2017 UPstudio Planner.  We personally are thrilled about the new 2017 version and can't wait to start using it!

Today, we are excited to announce that you can pre-order one of these beauties for yourself!

Pre-Order Your 2017 UPstudio Planner Today!

What is even better? A sale! If you pre-order your planner before October 10th, you'll save 10%. Pre-ordered planners are only $36, regularly priced at $40! All planners will ship Monday, October 10th. 

We would love for you to join us to celebrate the release of the 2017 planner on October 14th in Raleigh, North Carolina at Ramble Supply Co. If you plan to attend and want to pick up your planner there, use code RAMBLE at checkout to take off the cost of shipping. (Feel free to throw in other items you've been eyeing, you can pick them all up at the party.) If you plan to attend the party but something comes up, no worries, you'll still have a planner reserved with your name on it. We'll send you an invoice to cover the shipping cost and once you've paid, we'll get it in the mail within one business day.

We thought extensively about all aspects of this planner, down to every last line and letter. The difference in a quality product is in the details. At UPstudio, we believe in creating products that are affordable, attractive, versatile, and fit for people in all walks of life. We hope the flexibility and non-confining layout of this planner works for you. Flip through a sample of the UPstudio 2017 Planner by clicking here.

On our blog, you can read about the development process of our inaugural planner, as well as improvements and changes we've made to the 2017 version

Details and Highlights:

  • 12 month calendar from January, 2017 to December, 2017.
  • Planner Dimensions: Roughly 6.25" wide and 9.25" and 1" thick.
  • Binding: Smyth Sewn Binding
  • Cover: Gray leather with simple deboss design.
  • Gray elastic closure band to aid in portability and durability of planner.
  • Each month includes: A two page goal sheet, a two page month view, followed by a two page week view for each week. The main design goal of the layout is versatility. We want every space to be useful, but for you to be able to set the purpose. 
  • 54 pages of graph paper are included at the end of the planner. They have page numbers for easy reference. (IE: On your month or week layout you can easily reference the graph page where you took notes or jotted down a quick list.)
  • A two page month view included for December 2016 and January 2018. 
  • There are two different colored ribbon markers to help you flip to your desired page quickly.
  • Integral tabs are printed along the side of the layout to help you flip to the desired month.
  • Interior pages are 70 lb text paper. We did a lot of tests with different types of pens, pencils, and sharpies to choose a paper type that has minimal bleed through without making the planner too thick.
  • Includes two folders affixed to the front and back covers (We personally use it for invitations, coupons, and receipts, but the options are endless.) They are large enough to safely store a 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper folded in half.

Pre-order yours today!

Planning a Planner v2017, Part IV August 25, 2016 05:00

The week layout of the UPstudio Planner is what we feel most sets us apart from other planners on the market today.  While we still believe that all details are important, in the end the layout needs to be 100% usable or else you are just left with a (very attractive, high quality) unused notebook.  We worked hard to create our initial layout, first studying designs of planners we had each used in the past, and discussing how we liked to work and keep track of schedules, appointments, lists, etc.  From these conversations we designed a prototype and polled a focus group to use the sample for two months.  After receiving comments and seeing how each individual used the planner, we re-evaluated the layout with fresh eyes.  You can read more about our process of using a focus group here.  We took all comments into consideration and made a number of good changes based on feedback, and the UPstudio 2016 planner was born. 

Fast forward several months to when we started producing the 2017 planner.  We had been using our individual planners but were also still welcoming comments (good, bad and ugly) from other users as well.  We previously discussed the changes in binding type, the struggle with tabs, and overall features in earlier blog posts.  In general, the week layout has stayed largely the same, but we've made some tweaks that we think will take usage to the next level.

For starters, we wanted to evaluate overall aesthetics.  We believe in versatility so there's not any frill in the planner.  If you like bright colors or inspirational quotes already printed, then this is not the planner for you.  This planner is designed to work for the executive or the stay at home parent just as well as it works for the college student, and therefore simple aesthetics and layout are critical.  If you're feeling artsy one week, add all the color!  If you are in to washi tape and stamps, go crazy!  This will add life and personality to each individual use, but the layout is also perfectly suited for the professional or the minimalist who may not prefer all the extras you might see in other planners.  We LOVE seeing how you've personalized your planner, so please feel free to send us photos or tag us on social media.  Check out how this 2016 planner was personalized by a user:

Similarly, if you want your planner to tell you exactly how to use it, from planning out your breakfast, lunch, dinner, finances, goal setting, and how to run your day 12am-11:59pm, then you'll be disappointed.  The layout is once again meant for versatility - not just from person to person, but for a single individual from week to week.  On the week layout the only labels provided are for each day and date of the week.  Otherwise the blank spaces are meant to be filled in by the user for whatever works best for them.  Because the layout is so open-ended, there is a page at the front of the planner with suggestions for use.


One comment that we continued to get was in regard to the times column - that when used, it was very difficult to follow the column across pages and into all days of the week.  In the 2016 layout, the column is on the left side of the left hand page only.  In order to address this, the layout for the 2017 planner now includes the same times column on the left side of the right page, along with tic marks between each day, matching the position of each time.  To more easily find a particular hour, the tic mark for noon is slightly darker for clear designation.  Some users ignore the times column completely, so the tic marks and columns are subtle and do not take up usable space.  Once again, it's all about versatility!

In general, you'll notice a few changes that clean things up from the 2016 design.  Font sizes and weights are more consistent, as well as areas of graph on goals and week layouts.  The small calendars found throughout the planner have been simplified, and some spacing has changed to make sure each component has enough breathing room.  We believe all of these changes will make daily use even better.

If you're not familiar with this type of layout, we encourage you to see how it works for you!  There is a free download of the 2016 layout specifically for users to try before making a purchase if you're not quite comfortable.  We will offer this again with the updated changes for 2017 in the near future.  There's still plenty of time left in the year, and there are still a few 2016 planners available for purchase at a discounted price.

Now, who's ready for 2017 so we can start using these beauties?!

Planning a Planner v2017, Part III August 18, 2016 08:00 1 Comment

In Part I of this series we shared the big changes coming to the 2017 planner regarding the binding type and cover durability. (We are so stoked!)

In Part II we shared the soul crushing reality that our design approach to tabs had to change. 

This week is more like a potpourri post, sharing a handful of small tweaks that we feel improve the overall versatility of the 2017 planner.


In the 2016 version, the double sided folder was bound in the planner at the very front. Due to the binding type change we had to move the folder to the front and back cover. We will still have two folders for those that already have a system worked out from last year, they will just be in slightly different locations. Each folder is configured differently (again for added versatility). The folder attached to the front cover looks like this:

UPstudio 2017 Planner New Front Folder

The folder attached to the back cover is slightly different:

 UPstudio 2017 Planner New Back Folder


Falling between tabs in the 2016 planner was a one page goal sheet, a two page month layout, a two page week layout for each week, followed by 5 sheets of graph paper. We found that from month to month the number of graph pages we used varied. Sometimes we needed more and sometimes we didn't use a single sheet. In the months where we needed more we ended up writing on the graph paper included for the preceding or following month, making it hard to locate our notes. To remedy this in the 2017 planner, we moved all of the graph paper to the end of the book. There will be 54 total sheets included with page numbers for easy referencing. So on any given Wednesday at my project meeting, I can write on my calendar under my 2pm appointment that I took notes on page 22. With the two ribbon markers incorporated in the new binding it will be easy to mark where to find your next available graph page.

 UPstudio 2017 Planner has 54 pages of Graph Paper at the end with Page Numbers


We heard rave reviews regarding the monthly goal sheet included in the 2016 planner layout. One pro to tabs not working out was that we were able to increase the goal sheet to now cover two pages. Result: more room for notes, tracking, and diagramming to help get your month started right!

 UPstudio 2017 Planner has a two page goal sheet for each month


We personally are so excited about the new look and feel of the 2017 planner and we can't wait to start using it. Selfishly and also to help you out, we included a full size two page month layout for December 2016 so that we can all start early. A full size two page month layout for January 2018 is also included at the end of the planner layout. Everyone has that random January appointment you make in June that you try to remember.

 UPstudio Planner has a two page month view for December 2016

What do you think? Good? Bad? Any change in particular that excites or disappoints you?

Next week we will focus on the upcoming improvements to the weekly layout, which is what we feel sets the UPstudio planner apart from most others on the market.

AND THEN.... Pre-ordering!! Stay tuned for details.

Planning a Planner v2017, Part II August 11, 2016 05:00

At UPstudio, we try to be as transparent as possible, in an effort to offer the best possible products that we can.  Every aspect of each product has been 100% thought out by two admittedly type-a and borderline OCD designers (that's us, hi!).  That's why when we can't find a perfect solution to something, it hurts our hearts a little bit.  We want to be open about a change in the 2017 planner that might be considered a drawback from the 2016 version (as was alluded to in last week's blog post): there are no tabs.

This change is a direct result of changing the binding and cover type, which we felt were more important and crucial upgrades.  Because of the way the 2016 planner was bound, with the wire-o coil, punching holes in different types and more specifically, different sizes and shapes of paper was no big deal.  The tab pages were simply collated into the overall book.  With smyth binding, the pages are trimmed for a final time after they are bound, which makes having different size sheets extremely difficult.   It is not impossible, but it just doesn't look good.  In our proof, the tab pages are actually glued to an adjacent page, which makes two pages turn at the same time. We worked with our printer extensively to try to find a way to make this work, but in the end, we accepted that this was something we would have to sacrifice for now.  Here is a sample version of what tabs inserted into smyth binding looks like (we didn't even mess this up for added drama, it's really just that bad).  

It's obvious that these tabs wouldn't hold up, but we weren't satisfied with simply kissing them goodbye completely, so it was back to the drawing board.  We researched customizable tabs that can be applied after the fact, but we didn't love that the buyer would have to purchase something in addition to the planner itself, or that the layout of interior pages would need to address this addition that might not be included on every planner (depending on if the buyer also purchased these tabs or not).  

Our final decision was to incorporate printed tabs along the edge of the interior layouts so that when flipping through the planner, the user can easily locate the desired month.  We believe that this is the best solution as it will allow for quicker finds and doesn't obstruct the clean look of having one size and shape for all sheets within the planner.  

In addition to the integral printed tabs, the inclusion of two ribbons incorporated into the binding will be a huge help for marking a page.  We anticipate using these a ton, and might like the idea of them even more than tabs.  Another quick way to find a particular place is by utilizing fun clips.  Who doesn't need an arrow clip to point them directly to their destination?!

The new binding and cover type also do not allow for the planner to fold back on itself, or to easily clip a pencil or pen to it as is possible with the current coil binding (two things that we felt were advantages with the 2016 planner).  Again, these are things that we felt were worth changing in order to make the more important change of durability and simplicity.  We use our personal planners all year long and transport them with us to all kinds of destinations.  In other words, we need these babies to stand up to abuse, weather, accidentally knocking our morning coffee over, toddler hands, etc.

So, change happens right?  We're beyond excited about these planners overall and truly believe that these changes are for the better.  We hope you agree, but would love to hear your thoughts.  Comment if you have an opinion!

Planning a Planner v2017, Part I August 4, 2016 08:00 2 Comments

First off, we appreciate all of the honest feedback we received regarding the UPstudio 2016 Planner. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our inquires and share your thoughts. We are genuine when we say that we are always looking for areas to improve and grow. So please, never hesitate to shoot us an e-mail or contact us via social media, we would love to hear from you.

UPstudio was founded on the idea of creating a planner that is affordable, attractive, versatile, and fit for people in all walks of life. We have tackled a lot of other fun projects along the way, but our planner is still our main focus. 2016 was the inaugural year for the UPstudio planner. We are proud of what we were able to create. The process was challenging and we learned a ton. Over the next month as we ramp up for the UPstudio 2017 Planner release we will be sharing some of the behind the scenes work in a four part blog series, "Planning a Planner v2017". 

We featured a similar series last year, Planning a Planner, where you can read all about the hard work we put into getting the 2016 planner off the ground. We won't go into all of the details here, but feel free to refresh before we get started.

For the 2016 planner, the bulk of the decisions we made were based on personal preferences, our experiences with previous planners, and a focus group we had try out a sample. Our inaugural year was tough because we were creating something out of nothing, pulling all our ideas together and making what we thought were the best decisions.

When our creation finally arrived, we first gave ourselves a pat on the back and showed it off to everyone because we were so proud, and then we started critiquing it and seeing the imperfections, or should we say room for growth. Having a product in your hand to improve upon is significantly easier than starting from scratch. We aren't saying that this year has been a cake walk, but hopefully each year will continue to get easier as we have more experience under our belts and more lessons learned.

The two areas of improvement we are going to focus on today are the cover and the binding, because they kind of go hand in hand.

We heard you all loud and clear, and we completely agree with you, that the 2017 planner needed a cover that was more durable. So we started researching more sturdy materials that were acceptable cover types with the wire-o binding. The options were limited, which lead us to question our binding choice. The binding was a little bigger than we expected, the way it connects allowed the back cover to become detached, and it made it hard to write on Wednesday (or Thursday for those lefties out there). But what were our other options, and would those options give us a more durable cover? We also didn't want to compromise on the appearance of the binding, or sacrifice the ability of the planner to lay flat.

After a lot of research (and really I'm skipping over MONTHS here) we decided to go with a smyth sewn binding (sometimes called section sewn), which is a type of hardcover binding. For those of you familiar with Moleskine notebooks, the binding is very similar. 

A simplified version of how this binding type works:

Your book is printed booklet style in 16 or 24 page sections called signatures. Those signatures are folded in half and sewn together along the folds. A spine is glued to set the thread and edges of the signatures. The collection of signatures is called a text block. Finally the cover material is adhered. (Timelapse of process.) We pulled apart an old notebook to help you visualize:

Smyth Binding - UPstudio

This is the complete text block. You can see all of the individual signatures adhered to the white spine. The ridges seen along the spine are where the thread passes between signatures.

 Smyth Binding - UPstudio

Here we have pulled back the white spine exposing one of those "ridges". As we pull apart each signature you can see how they are threaded together. There are many different stitch types and threading styles used in smyth sewn binding.

Smyth Binding - UPstudio

Here we have opened to the center of one of the signatures. You can see how there are two pieces of thread that pass through the fold, one connecting the signature to the proceeding signature and one connecting it to the following signature.

Just last week we received our printed sample of the 2017 UPstudio Planner with the new binding!!! 

UPstudio 2017 Planner Sample

So sleek, right? The cover will be debossed similar to the 2016 UPstudio Planner with a simple 2017 to add a little character and make it easier to distinguish. But the final product will be almost identical to the one pictured above.

(Such a big reveal, totally worth reading through all that wordy stuff at the top of this post, right?)

The benefits of this type of binding in regards to the UPstudio planner:

  1. The cover is a thicker chipboard compared to the 2016 planner and it is covered with a durable gray leather making it significantly more sturdy. 
  2. This type of binding in comparison to the standard hardcover binding gives the planner the ability to lay flat (so no sacrifice there).
  3. Aesthetically we find the binding just as pleasing as the wire-o binding. Honestly, I think we'd rank this higher. 
  4. The planner seems more gender neutral.
  5. The back cover can no longer escape.
  6. Writing on Wednesdays (or Thursdays) will no longer be a struggle.
  7. The new binding type made it easier to add an elastic closure mechanism.
  8. We were also able to add two ribbon markers to assist in turning right to the page you desire.

Overall we feel switching to the smyth sewn binding type is a huge improvement. There is one semi-downside/challenge that presented itself, but we'll leave you in suspense and discuss that in next week's post.

This is a pretty major change, we would love to hear your thoughts. Good? Bad?

(Congrats, you made it all the way to the bottom! Dedication! As your reward, $5 off the 2016 UPstudio Planner with code HAPPYPLANNING. Valid through Sunday, 8/7 at midnight. Yes, that means a planner for $5!)

Sometimes Taking a Risk... Is Worth the Risk July 28, 2016 05:00

Here's the thing... taking a risk is scary. No matter what the risk is, you're putting yourself out there, maybe making a big decision, but you're not sure that the outcome will be what you want.

For Mary Beth and me, forming UPstudio was a big risk. We both had full time jobs and families - in other words, we had plenty of responsibility, but not a lot of free time. However, we also had numerous of conversations through our years of friendship about each wanting to do something on our own. Neither one of us felt quite satisfied with our careers, feeling an urge to do something more personal, more tangible, more on our own terms. So, one day when we were comparing our planners for the new year, talking about what we did and didn't like about each one, it made perfect sense that we could create our own. And then it was a brilliant idea that we create an entire business around this one shared interest. That was it - we were going to do it!

Taking a step back, we knew that this was a risky move, and we needed to think about it individually before committing. For one, neither of us had any experience with business minus the occasional lemonade stand of our respective childhoods. We had no experience with marketing, limited knowledge of product fabrication, limited knowledge of website design, no contacts in the field to help us, and knew we would have to spend our own money to invest in a start up. On the other hand, we are both designers, and knew that we worked well together. We knew each other's strengths and our own weaknesses, and knew that we would be able to fill in the gaps for each other. In our discussions we discovered that what we each wanted to do for our business perfectly balanced out. More than anything, we both had drive, and knew we could trust each other. So many things were working in our favor, but there were so many other things that made this way too scary. MB was newly pregnant and about to start on a whole new adventure by becoming a mom. This project would take up most of our free time.  Was this something that we were really willing to take a risk on?

With the support of our husbands, we decided that it was. And now, a year and a day after initially launching our website, we know that all our hard work has been worth it. Let's not get carried away, it hasn't been a cakewalk, and we aren't exactly rolling in the dough, but we have learned a lot. We've taken countless risks along the way, some leading to better results than others. Through our Lessons Learned posts, we're sharing this information with you all.  Goodness knows we've scoured resources as we embarked on each new step of this journey (and we're still going!), so we're now excited to be able to give back and be a resource for others.

In the coming weeks you'll see some of the results of the efforts we've made: the 2017 UPstudio Planner is in production (and we are SO excited about some changes we're making), we're a part of The Makers Mercantile, and we're featured in some really fantastic stores:  Ramble Supply Co., Stitch by Holly Aiken, and West Elm (coming very very soon in the Local section at Southpoint in Durham!). None of these things would be happening without the risks that we've taken over the past few months. 

The best part though? Knowing that we've done this on our own, survived, and feeling that the risk is worth the ongoing reward. So if you're on the fence about a risk, think about what it might be like on the other side, and don't be afraid to go for it.

Raleigh A-Z July 21, 2016 09:08

UPstudio is based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. To share more about our hometown we decided to challenge ourselves to think of a list that followed the alphabet, A-Z. (So limiting ourselves to only 26!) To meet the challenge we had to think outside of the box a bit. Fun facts, amazing people, and places all made the cut.

 Raleigh A-Z, An introduction to our city. - UPstudio

A Ashley Christensen: An award winning chef who now has 6 restaurants downtown that are all amazing!
B Breweries: Raleigh is home to more than 12 breweries.
C Capital Area Greenway Trail System: A network of public open spaces and recreational trails connecting the city.
D Development Beat: Learn about all of the development going on in Raleigh via this blog (yea, we know we are nerds, and we own it!).
E Education: Raleigh is home to 11 traditional universities and colleges and numerous satellite campuses for higher education.
F Farmers Market30,000 square feet for North Carolina farmers to sell fresh produce, plants, and other specialty items produced on local farms. Open 7 days a week.
G Goodnight Raleigh: A blog/online magazine that shares awesome fun facts and pictures about the history of Raleigh.
H Hall, Michael C: Most commonly known as Dexter Morgan was born and grew up right here in Raleigh, attending Ravenscroft High School.
I Ira David Wood III: A local actor that has raised the bar for theatrical excellence in Raleigh. Many know him as Scrooge. He is also the founder and executive director of the Theater in the Park.
J J.S. Dorton Arena: This 1952 iconic structure associated with the state fair is actually a National Historic Monument and boasts the world's first cable supported roof system.
K Kingston Upon Hull, England: Is one of our sister cities, the mission: “To promote peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation - one individual, one community at a time.”
L Libraries: Wake County Public Libraries have come a long way since we were kids. Example: I now check out new releases via my kindle. Our system has over 21 locations, 10 of which are in Raleigh.
M Mordecai Historic Park: One of the historic outbuildings includes the birthplace of the 17th president, Andrew Johnson.
N North Carolina Museum of ArtIt was the first art museum in the country to be established using state funds.
O Oak View: Where the typical 4th grader goes to pick cotton and learn about about North Carolina's agricultural development from colonial times to the present. (Also just learned that Gregory Poole owned and lived at the estate for 3 years.)
P Parks: Our city park system boasts over 200 parks total over 9,000 acres of parkland.
Q Quality of Life: Raleigh consistently ranks in the top 20 best US cities in regards to overall quality of life.
R Red Hat Amphitheater: "Bringin' the get down to downtown"
S Sir Walter Raleigh: Our namesake.
T Triangle Glides Segway Tours: The best part is that the tours are narrated, so you learn tons of cool facts about the city as you ride around. 
U Umstead State Park: In 1934 the state purchased the roughly 5,000 acres that we now call William B. Umstead State Park for $1.
V Vance Sykes: Class of 1907 alumni of North Carolina State University credited with the idea of constructing the iconic Belltower, a 115 ft granite monument to honor NC State alumni killed in WWI.
W Walter Magazine: "Raleigh's Life and Soul" (We highly recommend the in-depth profiles.)
X X-Files: The thirteenth episode of the first season, "Beyond the Sea" was set in Raleigh, NC. 
Y YMCA: The first permanent building was erected in 1913 on the corner of Wilmington and Edenton Streets. The downtown location moved to it's current home on Hillsborough Street in 1959. The YMCA used to have living quarters where Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show once stayed.
Z Zip Codes: Per USPS, Raleigh touches 44 zip codes. #cray


 (Photo Credits: A: ac-restaurants, B: Big Boss Brewing, C: City of Raleigh, D: Development Beat, E: NCpedia, F: State Farmers Market G: Ian F. G. Dunn, H: IMDb, I: Nick Pironio, J: NCDA&CS, K: Wikitravel, L: The News & Observer, M: STRAYTHERE, N: NCSU Libraries, O: Historic Oak View County Park, P: City of Raleigh, Q: A Breath of Fresh Air, R: Jason Moore Photography, S: 919Raleigh, T: ME!, U:, V: NCSU Libraries, W: Walter Magazine, X: Den of Geek, Y: State Archives of North Carolina, Z: Popular Raleigh Neighborhoods)

Inspiration: Everyday Cards - It's Been Too Long July 14, 2016 08:00

We've talked before about how we've come up with a few of our different products and designs (like the Sticky Pads, and the NC Toast Everyday Cards, as well as lots of posts about the 2016 Planner). Today's post talks about another product inspiration, specifically the It's Been Too Long Everyday Cards.  

MB and I are both dog lovers and have dogs of our own, as you may have read on the FAQ page of our website.  I never had dogs growing up, but whenever we would visit with my grandmother, her little dog Lucy was in tow.  Lucy was a dachshund and my sister and I loved to play with (read: torture) her by dressing her up, toting her around the house and yard, and teaching her to sing and howl.  When my husband and I were a year into our marriage, we decided it was time to get a dog.  We looked at local shelters and almost took home a medium sized mutt, but with our small condo, lack of yard, and non-commitment to the daily walks she would need, it wasn't the right fit.  In the end we agreed that a smaller dog would be better for our circumstances, and looked into adopting a dachshund.  We finally ended up finding our sweet puppy Penny from a doberman rescue (her full name is Penny Pinscher... I know I know, it's such a good name).  A year later we adopted her sister Gretta from a dachshund rescue.  They have been the best of friends since day one, and provided us a ridiculous amount of entertainment and love.

Before our first round of Everyday Cards came out last summer, we came up with countless designs, but in the end chose just 4 of them to feature.  In those designs were a few fun dachshund patterns, but they didn't quite make the cut.


Fastforward to this past winter and the release of the 4 new Everyday Card designs.  We knew we wanted to open up options for a card with a dog on it.  A dachshund paired with the phrase It's Been Too Long was developed (because dachshunds are long, get it!) and voila, a new fun card inspired by our furry friends.

These knuckleheads are pretty cute too though :)


Lessons Learned: UPS Mailbox vs. PO Box July 7, 2016 08:00 68 Comments

Soon after starting UPstudio we realized that a permanent address would really help us for a few reasons:

  1. Privacy (not having to use our personal addresses)
  2. Having a place that customers could return items (thankfully this hasn't come up yet).
  3. With all the paperwork involved in starting a company, we wanted to keep track of which address we submitted things under. Having only one is definitely easier.
  4. With our crazy lives, things sent to our houses might get overlooked.
  5. Having an address listed on your website makes it seem more legit.
  6. Most importantly, a place that people could send us notes of encouragement! (sadly, this hasn't come up either - but you could change that!!)

Our day jobs are on Fayetteville street in downtown Raleigh so we wanted a "permanent" address we could walk to, so that checking it wasn't inconvenient.

That left us with two options, PO Box or UPS Mailbox?

So we did the research (read a lot of online sources and the fine print of the rental agreements) and decided that we wanted to go with a PO Box at the Post Office. Being a start up, the biggest factor was price. Here is a comparison (these are for the downtown Raleigh locations, so prices might be different where you live):

USPS PO Box Pricing (search for local prices here)

USPS PO Box Pricing UPstudio

UPS Mailbox Pricing (find a location near you for pricing)

UPS Box Pricing UPstudio

The small, medium, and large boxes are comparable in size to the 1, 2, and 3 sizes respectively. The UPS Mailbox is significantly more, more than 3 times.

There were a lot of other pros and cons discovered in our research, but we thought based on the price we could live with the other limitations of the PO Box. So, we signed the papers, and took a pretty picture... 

USPS PO Boxes Downtown Raleigh UPstudio

We canceled it within 3 months.... and secured a UPS Mailbox. Why you ask?

Let us share the lessons we learned and the benefits of the UPS Mailbox:

  •  After deciding on the PO Box we went through all of the UPstudio paperwork we had already filled out to change our address. We quickly noticed fine print that didn't register before "we do not accept PO Box for address", with one of those locations being our bank which was a big one, because we wanted a billing address that was consistent as well. With a UPS Box you have a physical street address rendering it acceptable to be used. Your mailbox is just identified by a suite number.
  • One of the biggest differences is how packages are handled. At the post office, if you have a package that won't fit into your box they will not hold it for you behind the counter unless it was shipped by USPS. They will not hold packages shipped by Fedex, UPS, or other carriers. They also won't hold anything that must be signed for - a big predicament. The UPS store can accept any package size and will hold it for you either in a larger holding box or behind the counter. The owner of our local UPS store said she will accept packages as large as pallet size deliveries. They will sign for your packages as well, uber convenient. They also send you an e-mail or text whenever a package has been delivered. UPS is the clear winner in the package department.
  • To continue on the package note: Being a paper/stationary type store, we were concerned that returns would get crammed into our small box therefore rending the products unusable for repurchase or that products shipped to us for resale would suffer the same fate. Our small UPS store is locally owned and operated and we were assured that they would pay close attention in hopes of avoiding this issue. So far we haven't been disappointed on this front.
  • UPS provides mail forwarding for a small additional fee. So, if our day jobs move away from downtown and our "permanent" address is no longer convenient, we can choose to have all our mail and packages forwarded to another address while still keeping our current address as a front. This way we wouldn't have to update all of our accounts or re-brand. This service is not provided by USPS for PO Boxes.
  • This one is personal preference: A street address provides your company with a bit more of a professional image when compared to a PO Box. Wilmington Street is a prominent downtown Raleigh street, so it only helps our legitimacy. 
  • At the Post Office the PO Box lobby hours are limited to 6am-5:30pm M-F, and 6am-12pm on Saturdays. The UPS store hours are 8:30am-6:30pm M-F, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays. The later hours of the UPS store are more convenient with our routines. But here is the kicker, you have the option at the UPS store to pay a one time $25 fee to get a 24 hour access fob. 
  • If you are a AAA member most UPS stores provide a discount on certain mailbox packages, so make sure to ask.
  • Think about what your company name is, or who you will be getting mail sent to - for us at UPstudio, there has been confusion at times with the first three letters of our name being 'UPs', where our mail was accidentally opened by UPS employees.  This was resolved after some clarification and more careful reading before opening anything.
  • One last thing, if you make the same mistake we did and snag a PO Box prior to understanding all of the limitations, USPS has a refund policy:
PO Box Refund Policy UPstudio


When we were doing our research there were many mixed reviews and a lot of grey area and unanswered questions. We decided to take the risk due to the price and see how it actually turned out. In the end, it wasn't he best decision we made, but since we tried the cheaper option first we weren't out a lot of money. Hopefully the lessons we learned will be helpful to you and your company.

If you want to send us some snail mail, you can reach us at:

324 S. Wilmington Street
Suite 226
Raleigh, NC 27601

(so professional and legit sounding, right?)

Not as pretty, but definitely more equipped to handle our needs...

UPS Box Downtown Raleigh UPstudio

So, this was basically all a ploy to get our first letter of encouragement, can you tell? Were we too subtle? 

Summertime Essentials June 30, 2016 08:00

Summertime and the livin's easy... But maybe just a little bit easier with these summertime essentials. Whether you're headed on vacation, in town for a staycation, or simply enjoying your nights and weekends away from work, the following list of items can help make your summer a little sweeter.

A Good Book (or magazine)

A few weeks back we gave recommendations on our favorite books, but we love a good magazine too.  Shorter articles and the ability to recycle when you're done is great when you're in vacation mode.

A New Swimsuit

Let's face it ladies, as we get older, our bodies change.  MB and I have both embraced the one-piece since joining the motherhood club, and good news - there are some totally cute one pieces out there!  I love this  macrame one-piece from Victoria's Secret.

The Right Sunscreen

If you're going to be showing more skin this summer, whether with a swimsuit, shorts, or a sundress, sunscreen is essential.  Follow these guidelines from the Environmental Working Group about the best sunscreens out there.  I like Alba Very Emollient Sunscreen.

A Grill

The easiest way to complete any summer day is to grill out your dinner.  I don't know anyone who doesn't love grilled meat, veggies, or even fruit.  Grilling works for a quick meal for one, or a summertime party (and if you throw one, we recommend inviting guests with this free BBQ Card download!)

Rainy Day Activities

With summer comes the occasional thunderstorm, so be prepared with some fun indoor activities.  Watch your favorite movie, have an indoor picnic, visit a local museum, or pull out a board game (for those who like board games, I recommend trying Settlers of Catan or Ticket to Ride!)

A Good Pair of Sunglasses

If you're anything like me, then sunglasses are necessary when you're outside.  They also tend to grow legs and walk away, so I tend to purchase inexpensive pairs.  Bonus - when you forget to take them off before diving into a wave at the beach, no biggie!

A Go-To Cocktail Recipe

Alcoholic or virgin, a fun drink makes for a fun day.  My husband and I practice Frozen Drink Friday as a way to welcome in the weekend.  This one's not a frozen drink, but I recommend trying out a Hotel Nacional sometime this summer: equal parts dark rum and pineapple juice, half part apricot brandy, a squeeze of lime juice and a dash of simple syrup.

A Fun Way to Record Memories

We live in the age of the iPhone, so if you're carrying your phone, you also have a camera and a video camera, so you're probably set.  If you're looking for something a little different, try the Fujifilm Instax Camera for a modern twist on polaroids.  Stick this business-card sized photo in your wallet or on your refrigerator for a fun way to reminisce all your summer memories.

Inspiration: Sticky Pad - Dots June 23, 2016 08:00

In our "Where do you find inspiration?" post a few weeks back we shared briefly about how we develop products, from inspiration to final design.

The very first step is making a list (in our lives, it is the first step to everything, not just product development). Our love of lists easily turned into wanting to develop a notepad. You don't always have your planner or phone handy to scribble things down on/in. Sometimes you just want an old fashion pencil and pad. 

But there are so many notepads in the world, how could we possibly make something that is different and original?

So we brainstormed. Our initial thoughts:

  • We want it small enough for a sheet to fit inside the UPstudio planner but large enough to really have space to write decent size lists (those standard size post-its kill us, our line items on a list are longer than 2 words).
  • We at UPstudio are in LOVE with graph paper! It is the most versatile thing out there. If you make the lines fine/light enough they just serve as a guide and don't obstruct your list or sketch.
  • We wanted it to not just be completely blank or completely graph paper, wanted a little flavor (FLAVA FLAV!)
  • We wanted them to be affordable, so researching the most economical version of what we wanted was key.

We took our initial thoughts and started searching our everyday lives for inspiration. We finally found it in bullet journals and an Instagram post from Mr. Bobby Bones.

Inspiration for Sticky Pad Dots UPstudio

The layout of a bullet journal is very similar to graph paper. You essentially place a dot at each intersection of your graph and then remove the lines. What you are left with looks eerily like a game of Dots and Boxes, that game you played forever in 4th grade (if you're feeling a little nostalgic click here or here to play online). That way we'd still get the graph paper affect with a little switch up.

So then came the flavor... 


Bobby Bones is a radio personality. In Raleigh you can hear him and his friends on 93.9 (a country station). They are based out of Nashville. If you want to give the show a listen they are on iHeartRADIO. We came across this tweet via Bobby's Instagram and the last part stuck with us. Cutting yourself slack when it comes to not completing your long to do lists is key, "there is always tomorrow." 

Voilà.... Sticky Pad - Dots

We were really on the fence regarding if we wanted sticky or not sticky pads. There are pros to both. We printed our sample pads for ourselves to try, they were obviously not sticky. But if while trying them we thought, "I wish this was sticky" then we'd know. After trying them we were still on the fence, so we polled you all via Instagram and our Newsletter and the sticky option won by a landslide. Sticky it is!

Through conversations with our printer we determined in order to get sticky notes at the quantity we felt comfortable ordering to be in our price range (because they cost more than double non-sticky) we had to meet certain criteria. Everything revolved around size, bleeds, and printing color. 4x6 was a standard size that fit our criteria, we didn't have full bleeds, and since our design was only black, everything worked out perfectly!

We have loved them so far. No regrets on going sticky. We both use them everyday and would highly recommend snagging a few for yourself!


Maternity vs. 'Meternity' June 16, 2016 08:00

Recently an article was published proposing the idea that people who do not have children should have the equivalent of maternity leave, a twelve week 'vacation' of introspective opportunities. The author cleverly called this 'meternity'. I'm all about this idea, with a catch: this should be offered to everyone regardless of if they have children and take maternity leave or not, because the idea that this could in any way relate to what maternity leave is, or that a woman taking maternity leave really has a 3 month vacation, is laughable. 

Now, I really don't blame her for having this thought. She hasn't experienced maternity leave, and she must not know anyone who has taken it, or else she would never be able to compare the two. From an outsiders perspective, it does seem like a vacation - 12 weeks away from work is a good break. In the article she notes that some of her friends made life changes such as ending or switching their careers after taking maternity leave, but this could be for any number of reasons, money being a huge factor.  In all honesty - kids are expensive!  Newborns go through approximately 47 diapers a day, and don't even get me started on the cost of daycare.  I thought college tuition prices were supposed to wait until college!  No wonder some of these women made changes... maybe they had to!  Back on track, let's talk about what the differences between a vacation and maternity leave actually are. We're all familiar with a vacation, but what is maternity leave? 

First, let's clear up a discrepancy. We all call the time taken after giving birth maternity leave, when the fact is that most companies don't offer a true maternity leave... In reality what most new mothers take is FMLA or short term disability, and the terms of these vary. Pay varies as well, but there is only a certain amount of time that pay is accrued, and only at a percentage of full pay. Some people do not have the opportunity to take 12 weeks, and have to go back to work much earlier, while they are still recovering, and while their baby is still very young. And, there is often no leave offered for fathers, who are usually just as sleep deprived as the mother.

But, let's not get caught up in the weeds of how things could be better, let's shift gears to the highlights of a day in the life of a mom home with her new baby (as experienced by me, on any given day these past 4 weeks):

  • Wake up at 6:00am after an interrupted night of sleep between hour-long feedings every 3 hours, which means 2 hours of sleep at a time.
  • Think about what is going on that day and determine which level of black leggings I should put on (level 1: fresh and clean, level 2: worn for a couple of days, or level 3: worn for several days and nights with several milk stains).  Locate a maternity size shirt to wear with black leggings (don't even think about trying to wear your pre-pregnancy clothes again yet, trust me)
  • Relocate everything that lives on my nightstand at night (pump and pump supplies, bottle, giant water bottle, phone, diapers, wipes, etc) to set up in the living room for the day. Who would've thought this much stuff would be required to get through one night?
  •  (unedited photo of my disaster of a nightstand)
  • Clean up 2 dog accidents within 15 minutes of each other (Ok not everyday, but this is just to say that regular life still happens with things to be dealt with!)
  • Clean up and redress an explosive diaper (Again not everyday, but more often than anyone should have to deal with)
  • Help my toddler get ready for school while nursing the newborn (Epitomizing the generation of multitasking!  I've learned to hold a nursing baby with one hand while dressing my daughter with the other.)
  • Kiss my husband and toddler goodbye for the day.
  • (7:00am) Settle in on the couch after another diaper change for an endless nursing session... eat breakfast, and binge watch tv shows that my husband would hate (but that I love!!! Recommendations: Grey's Anatomy, Hart of Dixie, UnREAL, Jane the Virgin) After the baby nurses, I pump breastmilk to make sure she has a good supplement of hind milk if she falls asleep too fast. Sometimes these milk cannons are more than she can handle (Sidebar: breastfeeding is not easy!  The first few weeks are especially hard as you and your baby are both learning how to work with each other.  Again, I won't go into detail with this, but just think about the sacrifices that moms make next time you see someone nursing their child.  My first was a hybrid with breastmilk and formula which worked great for us, and so far we're exclusively nursing with this one, but may have to use formula in the future.  There are drawbacks and benefits to each, but bottom line, here's the thing - sometimes one just works better than the other, and that is perfectly fine. In other words, don't judge a fellow mama, she's making her choice for a reason!)
  • Do an insane amount of laundry every day.  How does one baby go through so many outfits in one day?!  (answer: see note above about diapers)
  •  (the never-ending circle of laundry)
  • Lather, rinse, repeat with the possibility of a nap thrown in there. Eat lunch (time varies, but lunch is typically dry Honey Nut Cheerios that I have to fend my dogs off of) then repeat diaper, nurse and if I'm lucky, a nap.

Some days we do get out of the house - the older that she gets (and the more I recover), the more we can handle. We go to Costco (my favorite place ever, but that's another blog post!), Trader Joes, out for long walks, but not all in the same day and not without frequent breaks and sometimes, a lot of tears (from both of us).  

And, let's not get too into this, but recovery is hard. I can't be too far from the house for too long until my body can get itself together and stop leaking from every single orifice. Milk, sweat, tears, etc. The female body after giving birth is a hot mess for quite a while.  A new mom's center of gravity has changed so quickly that she is often left with extreme back pain from essentially re-learning how to walk.  And, sleep.  Precious, fleeting sleep.  It's amazing how a person can function on so little sleep.  I can do the basics - take care of the baby, shower, get groceries, etc.  But ask me to have an adult conversation and I'm a fumbling idiot.  I can't think of words, can't get sentences out, hear things incorrectly, and sometimes just don't even know what to say.  My daily conversations are with a baby, my TV, and in the evenings my husband and my 2 year old.  My husband struggles with the same problem and we often laugh about attempted conversations with others.  So, that leaves my 2 year old leaving the most impression on my daily speech, so please excuse me if in a conversation I manage to slip in a change of topic to 'talk about snowmans'.

You know though, the author of that article isn't entirely wrong... In the past 4 weeks I have had time to think more, and grow.  Even with all of the above wreaking havoc on my ability to be a 'normal' person, I'm evolving to love another human being more than I ever thought I could, with my love increasing for my toddler and husband as well as we spend time together as a family of 4.  And that is better than any true vacation.


(Disclaimer - I wrote this post several weeks ago, so now with my youngest at 8 weeks old, things are getting much easier.  For all those mama's out there struggling in your first few weeks of having a newborn - and especially if it's your first - just hold on.  I promise it gets better!  It's a tough journey, but the reward is worth it.)

Lessons Learned: Free Shopify Apps to Install June 9, 2016 08:00 2 Comments

First off CONGRATULATIONS to Lynn B., you won the BEST GIVEAWAY EVER! We are super excited for you to check out all of UPstudio's new products and will be in touch shortly! 

For those of you out there that also use Shopify as your website platform hang around to read up on some FREE apps we have discovered that might help you out. For everyone else, have a great rest of your week and weekend! (And sorry if you didn't win the giveaway, but don't worry, there will be more giveaways soon!)

Lessons Learned: Free Shopify Apps to Install

Let us first set the scene: we are a fairly young start-up company that is fully funded by our two families, so we are very price conscious. We do a lot of shopping around to make sure we are getting the best deal. We chose Shopify as our website platform after a lot of extensive research (we'll share more about this in a future post). We chose to use one of their templates when setting up our store which means that we can't control some things we would like to in regards to its appearance, but we knew there would be limitations. We try to overcome these with installing apps. We spend a lot of time researching said apps because we need them to be FREE and flexible enough to match our website template. Now that you know where we are coming from, we'll share the free apps that we have come across that are currently installed on our site. We've provided a brief overview of each app. If you have any specific questions either leave a comment below or shoot us an e-mail.

MailChimp for Shopify by MailChimp

We are big fans of MailChimp. We can write a whole separate post about all the ways we utilize MailChimp and how well it syncs with all of our other platforms (let's be honest, you'll probably see this in the future). By connecting your Shopify store with your MailChimp account....

During the checkout process, Shopify asks your customers if they are interested in receiving marketing information from your store. When a customers completes an order at your store and has agreed to marketing, MailChimp for Shopify will automatically subscribe them to your MailChimp list. In addition, your customers are added to a static segment called "Shopify Customers", so that you can easily target email campaigns to only your customers.

Yotpo Reviews by Yotpo

Not sure about you, but we both read reviews of products prior to purchasing items pretty religiously. We decide not to splurge often after reading reviews. Honestly, a seller is always going to share all the good aspects of their product in the product descriptions, but the customer reviews are going to be a bit more straightforward, and will include the good and the bad. So we wanted a way to add reviews to our website. It is hard to trust new companies, you aren't sure what kind of quality to expect, so we wanted customers to be able to share their experience, and hopefully help new customers feel more confident in their purchase and in us. Yotpo was the answer. The free version does the basics. It sends e-mails to customers asking them to post a review. You have minimal customization, but you can customize the e-mail verbiage, and the review colors on your website to match your aesthetics. We highly recommend it, here is a sample from the UPstudio planner page. (And if you need more customization the upgraded version (not free) appears to have a lot of cool features.)

Yotpo Product Reviews Free Shopify App

Shopify Digital Downloads by Shopify

Have you checked out our free downloads section yet? (You should!) The Shopify Digital Downloads App has been great so far. After creating a product it is really easy to associate it with a download file you have uploaded to the app. If you list it as free, your customer will still have to go through checkout, just won't have to input any payment information. After completing their order a download option will appear similar to the screen below. They will also receive an e-mail after purchase with a link to download the file as well. One downside is that follow-up e-mail can't be customized with html to match your other e-mail templates, it can only be pretty basic with a few variables and the same e-mail is sent regardless of the download purchased, so it has to also be very generic.

Shopify Digital Download Free App with UPstudio

Email Template Editor by Klaviyo

Just counted, there are 17 different e-mail templates you can set up. That is a ton! There are 10 that we have customized. Klaviyo makes it super simple. They already have a great starter template custom for Shopify that you just have to tweak with your logo and colors, etc. Once you've tweaked the template to perfection you simply copy the html code Klaviyo creates for you and paste it right into Shopify - super easy and user friendly. I recently purchased something from a pretty well known store that also uses Shopify, and they hadn't customized any of their e-mails, but still the default Shopify e-mails, I was not impressed. Such a simple thing to do that goes a long way when it comes to professionalism. 

E-mail Template with Klaviyo Free Shopify App

Shopify Order Printer by Shopify

For all orders purchased through our website we like to print a packing slip/invoice for a couple of reasons: 1. easy for us to reference shipping address, 2. easy way to include a short note and our contact information in the package, and 3. it makes us look legit! The Shopify Order Printer makes this easy. There is a default template already set up and with some basic html code knowledge you can easily customize it with your logo and notes. You can have multiple templates set up for different types of orders as well.

Shopify Order Printer Free Shopify App

Privy - Free E-mail Pop-ups by Privy

We read an article about how pop-ups, although very annoying, are very effective. So even though we are both slightly annoyed by pop-ups we decided to add one to our website. As payback when you fill it out, you get a discount code! Win-Win. Privy is very easy to use and manipulate. We have it set up to accept Newsletter subscriptions, and it syncs seamlessly with our MailChimp Newsletter list. And even though it sometimes even annoys us, we've seen real results. Check out last December when we launched the pop-up; the "Import" category is strictly from our Privy pop-up. 

Newsletter Growth from Privy with MailChimp UPstudio

Privy Pop-up Free Shopify App UPstudio

Quick Announcement Bar by Hextom

This is our most recent addition. We wanted a way to announce big ticket items at the very top of our website. We wanted something simple and easy and the Quick Announcement Bar by Hextom is just that. There are some basic templates already set up but you have the flexibility to change the colors and text to match your template. You can specify which pages of your website it will be visible on as well. And if you upgrade to their premium plan (not free) you can have rotating bars for multiple announcements.

Quick Announcement Bar on UPstudio

Quick Announcement bar by Hextom for UPstudio

Quick Announcement bar by Hextom for UPstudio

Hopefully one of these can be useful to your shop! What apps do you use? Any we should check out? We are always looking for new additions to help improve our website.

Check out Shopify's blog post regarding the top 20 most popular free Shopify apps here.

Best GIVEAWAY EVER! June 1, 2016 22:16 4 Comments

One quick thing before we lose your attention completely by the title of this blog post and the picture below... 

We will be part of The Patchwork Market this Saturday at Fullsteam Brewery (726 Rigsbee Avenue, Durham, NC 27701) from 12pm-4pm. It is a monthly market with makers and vintage vendors. Would love for you to come and hang out with us (and maybe buy an item or two)!

Not sure if you heard yesterday or not, but the 2016 UPstudio Planner is on sale for only $10 and our 2016 Typeface Calendars are only $2. Both are amazing deals! More than half off with more than half the year still to go! 

Still on the fence? How about winning one of each for free? What's better than FREE?

Not only will you receive a planner and a calendar but we are also throwing in a Blank Arrows Journal, a Dots Sticky Pad, a variety (4) pack of our new card designs, and a pack of our new Chick Flick Catchphrase Pencil Set. WHOA! We are serious! The BEST GIVEAWAY EVER, right? Over $100 worth of UPstudio goodies shipped right to your doorstep!

UPstudio Giveaway

We are keeping it simple, just two ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway ends at 12am on 6/9/2016. Sadly this giveaway is only open to US residents. We will announce the winner in our blog post next week. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lessons Learned: Binding Types May 26, 2016 08:00

At UPstudio we pride ourselves on jumping in to every new product and really diving in to all aspects of what we are creating.  If you know us, then you know that we are both Type A, detail oriented planners, so we want to be involved with and informed on every decision about every product.  The quality, color, texture, printing method, paper type, binding type, and even shipping method are all carefully considered.  We do extensive research and sample testing before making final decisions, because we feel each of these decisions can really make or break a product (and we hope you can tell the difference!)  Today, we're going to focus on what some different binding types are, and some reasons to choose one over another.

Binding types play an important role in design.  The aesthetics of each are very different, as well as cost, how many pages are possible to be bound together, and how the book performs in the end.  While some choose a binding type last, we studied these in conjunction with everything else when designing products since it affects so many other aspects. 

Here are a few binding types that we considered for products, and some of their qualities:

Saddle Stitch

To create a Saddle Stitch a piece of wire is inserted through the cover and all pages and bent back to hold them all together, resulting in looking like a staple, usually at 2-3 locations along the spine.  Pros - cost efficient, cover art can be continuous, Cons - less aesthetically pleasing, pages will not lay flat when opened, page number limited to ~80.


Sewn Bound

Sewn Bound is exactly as described as pages are stitched together with thread along the entire spine.  Pros - aesthetically pleasing, cover art can be continuous, Cons - costly and time consuming, not readily manufactured, pages will not lay completely flat when opened, page number limited to ~40.


Perfect Bound

Pages are folded into sections and then the ends of the folded side are cut off and roughed up, in order to adhere to the glue, which is applied along the entire spine to the wrap-around cover.  Pros - aesthetically pleasing, cost efficient, pages will lay completely flat when opened (if page count allows), page capacity of ~200 pages, cover art can be continuous, Cons - when more than ~60 pages are included, pages will not lay completely flat when opened. *This binding type is used on the UPstudio Journal!



Hardcover binding includes several steps, with interior pages being sewn together in sections, and then glued along the entire spine to the hard cover of the book.  Pros - aesthetically pleasing, page capacity of ~400 pages, cover art can be continuous, Cons - costly, pages will not lay completely flat when opened.


Spiral Bound

For Spiral Binding, holes are punched through pages of the book and held together with a circular plastic coil.  Ends are crimped to prevent the coil from sliding off.  Pros - cost effective, pages will lay flat when opened, book can turn back on itself and lay flat, page capacity of ~250 pages, many color and size options, Cons - less aesthetically pleasing, cover is divided and not continuous.


Wire-O Bound

Wire-O Binding is very similar to Spiral Binding, the difference being in the quality of the binding itself.  The wire coil is much more durable than plastic coil noted above.  Pros - aesthetically pleasing, pages will lay flat when opened, book can turn back on itself and lay flat, page capacity of ~250 pages, many color and size options, Cons - less cost effective, cover is divided and not continuous.  *This binding type is used on the 2016 UPstudio Planner!


There are other binding types out there, but these are the ones that we run in to the most for product development.  We hope you learned a little bit more about binding types, and how important they can be!  

Did someone say BBQ? May 19, 2016 08:00

Real quick, we are having our second pop-up at the Southpoint West Elm this Saturday from 1-5. Pencil us into your planner! Click here for specific location in the mall. We hope to see you there!

Well, it's official: the season of perfect weather has arrived (at least here in Raleigh... minus this week of crazy rain). To be clear, it doesn't last long, a few good weeks at the most, and it's certainly not every day during those weeks that the weather is perfect. But, now is the time that we get to enjoy those few fleeting days of no pollen, low humidity, sunshine filled, and perfect temperature. It's this kind of weather that makes you want to be outside all day long, and enjoy delicious grilled or smoked food. Who doesn't immediately crave a hamburger or steak when you smell someone's grill going? (ok, vegetarians excluded! - but grilled veggies are also more than delicious)

My family went without a grill for the past year - the gas one we had suddenly stopped working and we never got around to replacing it, until last Sunday. It just so happened that we got a new combination charcoal grill and smoker on Mother's Day, and believe me, there is no better present (my husband does all the grilling so less work for me, and he's very good at it - win win!). 'Tis the season of barbecues!

To kick off barbecue season, we are excited to announce a new feature on our website - free downloads!  We've added a fun Everyday Card with all the essential BBQ supplies.  Just download it and print it out for your personal use.  Memorial Day is fast approaching, and this would be the perfect way to invite your friends and family over for a fun day of grilling and hanging out.  Enjoy!

Where do you find inspiration? May 12, 2016 08:00

Not sure if any of you guys read the "Real Talk With Mary Beth Russo and Becky Brady" on Earn Spend Live. If not, we completely understand, the word count was pretty high. But if you're wanting to learn more about us and what UPstudio is all about, we recommend it, won't take you but maybe 5 minutes. Quick excerpt:

Who/what inspires you in work and in life? Are there any books, movies, or a specific person?
MB: I’m so bad at these kinds of questions. I feel like I can never pinpoint one person, book, movie, or idea when it comes to inspiration. I find inspiration everywhere. So many people in my life inspire me daily. I see their strength in areas where I am weak often, and it impresses me and makes me want to be better; more gracious, more patient, more faithful.

B: No one specific thing wins over another, but I am most inspired by others who are in the same position – young entrepreneurs juggling life and not giving up on their dreams, particularly women. I love to look at the work of other designers and pull inspiration from them – both current and in the past. I’m a big fan of Charles and Ray Eames, and especially Ray, who was less vocal, but just as important as her husband. Since I’m the introvert of our team, I appreciate seeing other introverts making a quiet difference.

This question isn't 100% about what I want to chat about today, but it is a good starting point. What I hope you pulled from our answers is that neither of us can hang our hat on just one thing that inspires us. It all boils down to the fact that we find inspiration everywhere. I feel like we are constantly on the hunt for what is next, so our eyes are always open, absorbing everything. 

We've been asked by many of you how we came up with some of our ideas, and how we determined what we were going to run with. So, we thought we'd share a bit. 

Well, everything starts with a list, right? We both have running lists where we jot down ideas constantly. When we are ready to decide on the products for the next quarter we set a meeting time. We both bring our idea lists, and any mock-ups we've pulled together to help the other visualize. At our meeting we narrow down our list to actual products (example: journal). And then we both spend a week or more (really until we can fit in the next meeting around family and work schedules) really focusing on generating ideas for those specific products (example continued: cover ideas, interior pages, size of journal, etc.) At our next meeting we brain dump once more to pull all of our ideas together to figure out the best option for the products. Typically at this point (or earlier) we meet with our supplier or printer to determine what is most economical, what restrictions we have, etc. (example: can we do a mostly black cover, what size of journal is most economical for printing, what will the price to print the journal be, etc.). We then make some semi-final decisions so that Becky can work her magic to bring our idea to fruition (example continued: drafting our cover). We then have another meeting where we go through many different options and play with our design until we get it exactly how we want it. So in summary: lots of meetings. But one great thing about a partner is that you can help each other generate some great ideas. They can help you find that one piece of the puzzle you are missing.

So, lets see one of our ideas in action:

Everyday Cards - North Carolina Toast

Last year we went to a show in Charlotte, North Carolina. We realized then that if we were going to branch out of Raleigh for shows we should have a card that connects with all of North Carolina. We made a mental note to do just that when we were brainstorming new cards for 2016.

Some of our reject ideas at our brainstorming meeting:

  • something with a pine cone
  • something with a long leaf pine, maybe lots of trees that make up something, similar to this
  • something that looked like the Verizon coverage map but was about a cool North Carolina fact, like BBQ restaurant locations or population
  • something with the state motto ("To be, rather than to seem", "Esse quam videri" - in case you were wondering)

The inspiration for the final choice:

  • On my honeymoon (March 2014) I took a couple Our State magazine's to read on the plane. In the January 2014 issue I learned that North Carolina is the only state to have an official toast. The article, "Where the Strong Grow Great: North Carolina State Toast" by Scott Huler, included only the first stanza (or whatever it is called in a toast) which meant once I was within internet service I googled the rest. 
  • There are tons of prints and products you can buy out there that have text in the shape of something. Prime example: this guy by Molly Mattin.

So, I brought those two ideas to our first brainstorming meeting, along with a very basic mock-up to help Becky visualize my idea... 

North Carolina Toast Brainstorming Ideas

Once we decided we'd run with this idea it was up to Becky to work her magic. She managed to get all 4 stanzas to fit and be readable. We edited the shape and re-sized text a couple times and finally ended up with this (she did a great job, right?):

Everyday Cards - UPstudio - North Carolina Toast

You can purchase this beauty in a pack of six or as a single card.

I'm a sucker for a great background story, so we'll try to share more behind the scenes info on some of our other products soon.

Happy Thursday! 

(I just experienced a quick mind-blown so I thought I'd share: I have a torn out copy of the toast article. This torn out copy does not have a picture of the author. The online article I referenced above however does. I looked at the picture and knew I recognized Scott Huler and then it clicked. He was recently invited to do a presentation for an organization I'm part of on his book, On the Grid. In preparation I read it. If you are a nerd that wants to understand more about your city and all of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on, it is a great read. So, I met Scott, over a lunch presentation about a month ago. I didn't realize he was the author of this article I read 2 years ago that really stuck with me. I doubt this blew your mind, but #cray.)


Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner (A Nursery Reveal) May 5, 2016 08:00 1 Comment

Alternate blog post title: Baby Baby (as in the amazing song by Amy Grant, which I just learned has been remade by Tori Kelly in honor of the song's 25th anniversary. 2 things: 1) I don't know who Tori Kelly is, but if Amy Grant is ok with her, she's cool in my book, and 2) 25 years??? Way to make a girl feel old... This song was my jam, and the remake is great, check it out here.)

So, back on topic, I (Becky) am going to talk about something that MB and I both enjoy doing, as it's an extension of our everyday jobs: space planning and decorating. I had my second daughter, a beautiful little girl Nora, just over 2 weeks ago, and had so much fun putting her nursery together in the months before her birth. Creating nurseries when you're in a major nesting stage is so satisfying as you're working to design the perfect space for your newest family member, and I want to share her nursery today.

Nora's room started as a guest room when we first moved in, with all tan walls. (Sidebar: almost every wall in our house was originally the same tan color, we felt like we were living in a hay bale... We've since painted most walls grey, and my husband has nicknamed our house 50 Shades of Grey). So, when we updated the guest room (before we were pregnant with our second daughter), it got 3 grey walls with an accent wall in sage-y green (that's totally a color, right?). When we designed Claire's nursery (our first daughter), there was an intense amount of painting, so this time around we decided to work with the paint colors that were already in the room.  (Here is the mood board we used for Claire's room so you get an idea of the paint job we didn't want to tackle this time around):

Since we already had wall colors established in our then-guest room but they didn't scream 'baby girl' to me, I knew I wanted to incorporate colors in other elements, the biggest being the rug. I felt that the rug would hold everything together in the room. I narrowed it down to 3 choices that I loved and that had lots of colors, from West Elm, Anthropologie, and Ikea. Two of the rugs were pricey and I couldn't get my husband on board, but I just wasn't sold on the third, so we waited. MB and I happened to have a pop up show at West Elm RDU and were set up right next to the rug up for debate.  Seeing it in person helped me decide that it would be perfect for the nursery. My husband and Claire came up, saw the rug, and we ended up getting a great deal on the floor model (thanks to MB's suggestion of asking if that was an option for purchase - this is a great way to save some money if it works out.)

After the perfect rug, we found a dresser from a local mid century resale store, Gremlina Vintage, after searching at least 5 other stores. We found some more great options at other locations but again, it came down to price in the end. The crib and changing table were already waiting to be set up as we could use the same ones we had for Claire (both of these were Craig's list finds - Pottery Barn furniture still in the box). So as for putting Baby in a corner, I'm actually totally ok with it, because that's where the crib made sense, at least in this room.

Usually I like to start a project with a mood board but in this case I didn't make one until after we had purchased the rug and dresser; the major components in the room. This is what it looked like at that point:

The rest of the room was pulled together with details and smaller pieces of furniture: a patterned but monochromatic light fixture (Allen + Roth lampshade that my husband rigged up as a pendant), an Eames rocker, neutral bedding (again used from Claire's nursery), art for the walls (to go in frames we already had), a DIY mobile, additional wall hangings (aren't these little house frames from the Target Pillowfort line adorable?), and some sweet toys and gifts displayed from friends. The dress hanging at the closet is very special, made by Jessica of Little Grey Line. She works to create one of a kind garments from men's shirts, so one of my husbands old shirts was converted into a beautiful dress for both of our girls - Claire wore it to the hospital to meet Nora, and will enjoy wearing it until it's passed down to her sister, and maybe one day to a daughter of their own.

The art was homemade by yours truly, inspired by Scandinavian flower designs,  modern icons in an eye chart style, and modified modern font for the alphabet.

The DIY Himmeli mobile was another personal touch for the room.  I followed this blog post tutorial from The Design Confidential to create different shapes.  A word to the wise - the more pieces and intricate the shape, the more frustrating it can become to create, so be patient, and start small.  In the end it gets easier!

We were very happy with how the room turned out and had a lot of fun taking elements from Claire's nursery and pairing them with new ideas for Nora - now if we could only get her to actually sleep in there and appreciate all our hard work (babies... so ungrateful :) )

How do you start a space planning project?  Do you dive right in with purchases, or weigh all your options?  Create a mood board or let your shopping do the work for you as you go?  We'd love to hear from you!

Just Breathe April 28, 2016 08:00

Mary Beth here... 

The season of life I'm in right now = "chaos". I have so many mixed emotions right now regarding how my time is spent. It is hard to find time to be a full-time believer, full-time wife, full-time mom, full-time career woman, full-time entrepreneur, full-time everything else. I feel like everyday I'm just checking things off my list that need to get done, just rushing around to accomplish everything. Going to work, making baby food, vacuuming up after the dog, washing bottles, washing clothes, vacuuming, putting away clothes, vacuuming, writing this blog post, going to the grocery store, vacuuming, all things essential to our family making it through everyday (minus the blog post).  Living each day as a means to get to the next. I struggle with this, because I feel like I'm not completely "living". I'm not enjoying every precious moment with my son as he is learning and figuring things out. But the torn side of me knows myself well enough to know that if I'm not constantly checking off my to-do list everything will pile up and I'll have a mini melt-down and be frustrated with myself and probably end up taking it out on the people I love most. So, I struggle with finding a balance. A balance where I am enjoying and living life, but also getting the essentials done. I have found a better balance over the last 8 months by learning to let some things go. I know that my family and my faith are my top priorities, everything else has to take a back seat. So our floors aren't always clean, our baby doesn't always eat homemade organic baby food, and clean clothes pile up before getting put away (and I end up writing blog posts at the last minute). I am still working on the perfect balance, it is a daily struggle. It is all a mindset, but that's a hard thing to retrain. The clean, put together, organized, on top of everything person I've been the past 29 years is hard to turn off. But I'm prayerfully searching and working on it. Please share with me what works for you!

I talk about this balance with my husband a lot (my struggles = his struggles, because he is an amazing compassionate man). One morning after one of these conversations as I was really down on the way to work thinking about the rushed life we live, I heard a new song on the radio, Breathe, by Jonny Diaz. It was one of those moments that really put everything in perspective. 1. I'm not the only one struggling with this, and 2. All I really need to do is breathe, and rest at His feet... lay down what's good and find what's best...

(For those of you who receive out blog via e-mail, click over to our blog or click on the link below to listen.)

Alarm clock screaming bare feet hit the floor
It’s off to the races everybody out the door
I’m feeling like I’m falling behind, it’s a crazy life
Ninety miles an hour going fast as I can
Trying to push a little harder trying to get the upper hand
So much to do in so little time, it’s a crazy life
It’s ready, set, go it’s another wild day
When the stress is on the rise in my heart I feel you say just

Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe

Third cup of joe just to get me through the day
Want to make the most of time but I feel it slip away
I wonder if there’s something more to this crazy life
I’m busy, busy, busy, and it’s no surprise to see
That I only have time for me, me, me
There’s gotta be something more to this crazy life
I’m hanging on tight to another wild day
When it starts to fall apart in my heart I hear you say just

Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need

Is to take it in fill your lungs
The peace of God that overcomes
Just breathe
So let your weary spirit rest
Lay down what’s good and find what’s best
Just breathe

Just breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe
Just breathe

Lessons Learned: Business E-mail Addresses April 21, 2016 08:00

There are many small things you can do when starting up a company that make people take your company a bit more seriously. Ways to help you "fake it until you make it." One of those small things is setting up a company/business e-mail. 

Our real e-mail address:

Our advertised e-mail address:

Doesn't the company one appear a little bit more polished, make us seem more legit?

Typically the place that hosts your website domain will have some sort of system to help you set up a business account. So, if you already have your website set up, start there. If you are looking for a good host, we highly recommend using Google Domains, just $12 a year. 

One of the free services Google Domains offers is what they call "E-mail Forwarding". You can set up alias e-mail addresses that all come to your actual e-mail address. You can setup up to 100 aliases. Note that with the free service all of your aliases are directed into an existing e-mail address, so for us they all go to If you want to upgrade this, you can have separate accounts set up (instead of aliases) through Google Apps for businesses for $5 a user. We are a cheap start-up so we just use the "E-mail Forwarding". When we put our professional looking e-mail on our business cards, no one knows the difference, and we are okay with all the e-mails flowing through the same place, easier for us both to see everything that is going on, feel the pulse.

If you are a fellow Google Domain user here is a quick tutorial on setting up E-mail Forwarding.... 

First log into your Google Domain's account (go to

Your screen should look like this:

Google Domain Login, UPstudio setting up a business e-mail

First click on the DNS icon and confirm that you have chosen to use the Google Name Server. If you haven't, E-mail Forwarding won't work for you, sorry. (If you haven't, please tell us why you haven't, we aren't really sure of reason not to, please enlighten us...)

Next, click on the e-mail icon. You should then see the screen below, where you can type in whatever alias addresses you so desire... 

E-mail Forwarding Screen, UPstudio, Setting up Business E-mail

You can see that we actually have our own personal aliases if we want to get super snazzy! Also note that we have one listed as "*". This is what they call a wildcard, which means that anything else someone chooses to send their e-mail to that ends with "" will also be forwarded to our account. Example, if someone decides to send an e-mail to, we'd get it in our inbox.

Google Domains will then send a confirmation e-mail to the recipient address to finish the set up. (If the recipient address is the same as the one you use to sign into Google Domain, this step is skipped.) You are now ready to send a test e-mail! 

So, that was easy, right? Now the fun begins...

When we first set this up, we were so excited, we felt legit. We quickly realized that yes, people could e-mail us at our new fancy e-mail addresses, but when we replied to their e-mails it still said from "", totally blew our cover. We also couldn't send newly created e-mails from our new addresses either.

How do you send mail from your forwarded e-mail addresses you ask? Let us walk you through it.. 

Log into your Gmail account, click on your user icon on the top right of the screen and select the "My Account" button.

Under "Sign-in & security" click on "signing in to Google".

Under "Password & sign-in method" there should be a section called "App passwords." If it appears like this, click on it.. 

App Password Screen, UPstudio Business E-mail with Gmail

If it doesn't, it probably means that you don't have the "2-Step Verification" turned on. We personally do not have this turned on because we have two individuals using one account which makes utilizing it a little more difficult. If you're like us, go through the process of turning it on for now, and then after you complete this process you can turn it back off, no issues. 

When you click on "App passwords" your screen should look like the one below (minus the fact that you probably have no previous app passwords set up). 

App Password, UPstudio, Business E-mail with Gmail

Add a new password by selecting "Mail" for the app, and "Other" for the device. Once you select "other" it will ask you to name the device, enter the name of your domain, so for us it is "". You will then be given a new app password (found in the yellow box):

Generate App Password Screen, UPstudio Business E-mail with Gmail

WRITE DOWN THE PASSWORD! You will need it in a few short steps. If you are setting up multiple e-mail address at once, generate 1 password for each e-mail address that you want to send e-mails from. Example: We will never send e-mails from our "wildcard" e-mail address, so we didn't generate one for that.

Exit out of all of that an return to your regular Gmail inbox. (When exiting you can turn off the "2-Step Verification" if you choose, it won't need to be on for the remaining steps.)

Go to your settings screen by using the gear icon on the top right of your Gmail inbox:

Settings Screen, UPstudio, Business E-mail with Gmail

Click on the "Accounts and Import" tab. Go to the "Send mail as:" section and click on "Add another e-mail address", a screen will pop-up that looks like this:

Send E-mail As Popup, UPstudio, Business E-mail with Gmail

In the "Name:" field add the name you want people to see when you send e-mails from the new alias address. In the "E-mail address:" field at the new e-mail address you set up on the "forwarding e-mail" screen.

On the next step the boxes should read:

SMTP Server:
Port: 465
Username: the Gmail account you use to log in with (for us:
Password: the one you WROTE DOWN a few steps ago that was generated.
"Secured connection using SSL" is the recommended setting

Then click "Add account". You can then repeat this for each address you set up. You can only use each app password once, but it doesn't matter which one you use for which e-mail address. 

Once you have completed this step you should receive an e-mail in your inbox with the subject "Gmail Confirmation: Send Mail As (fill in new e-mail address here)". There will be directions in the e-mail for you to confirm the new addition. Simply clicking on a link and inputting a confirmation code. Once you complete this step for each address, you should be G2G!

Now, when creating a new message or replying to a message you can choose the e-mail address your e-mail will be sent from by using a drop down in the "From" field:

From Drop Down Menu, UPstudio Business E-mail with Gmail

In the "Send mail as:" section in your settings you can set up your default send from address. Helpful if you always want to send from a certain address, don't have to use the drop down each time.

Note that if you are iPhone users like us, the default iPhone e-mail will only allow you to send e-mail from your actual e-mail address. In order to use your aliases download the Gmail app for your phone. 

Hopefully our instructional was easy to follow (and crossing our fingers we didn't leave anything out), but please comment with any questions you might have or if you run into any trouble! Good luck! 

What is Bullet Journaling? April 14, 2016 10:27

First off, for all of our Charlotte fans: this Saturday, UPstudio will be participating in the Pink Social Girl Tribe Pop-up. It will be held at the Sugar Creek Brewery in Charlotte, NC. Click here for more details.

So.. Bullet Journaling.. 

We first heard of bullet journaling at the Pink Social Girl Tribe Pop-Up last December. We had a customer tell us about how her roommate had just stumbled upon it and was going to try it. The customer bought one of our planners thinking that since we have a significant amount of graph paper, her roommate could utilize our planner for the task. Let's be honest, we didn't know what she was talking about, and we weren't sure how our planner would stand up to the challenge. Needless to say, the customer went back to her car, watched some videos on bullet journaling to confirm and 15 minutes later came back to our booth and asked us if she could return the planner. We accepted her return and made a mental note to look into this bullet journaling thing.

We then turned to Google. Apparently bullet journaling is a "movement", and there are tons of resources out there to help you understand how to use it to your advantage. 

For some, bullet journaling is just using a notebook with pages that have bullets or dots and creating your own designs and layouts for list making, tracking, or as a planner, by connecting dots in a creative manner.  

For other it is a more rigorous system. The best resources I found explaining the bullet journal system are the Bullet Journal website and a blog post by Tiny Ray of Sunshine.

First off, I would definitely recommend watching the video on the Bullet Journal website. It is the best way to visualize the system and to understand the basics.

To over simplify, the bullet journal system is a notebook (typically with bullets or dots) containing a collection of ideas (whether it be sketches, lists, diary, planner, etc.) that is organized with an index. Start a new page with a new idea, give it a title/topic and add it to the index at the front of your notebook (page numbers used for reference).

(Interesting fact: The system was created by Ryder Carroll, a Designer based in New York. In his words, the Bullet Journal is meant “to help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future.”)

Lets break up this post with some photos of examples:


Tiny Ray of Sunshine Bullet Journal Example


Roz Plans on Instagram Bullet Journal Example


Pretty Prints and Paper Bullet Journal Example


Boho Berry Bullet Journaling Example

We won't get into the nuts and bolts of bullet journaling (because lets be honest, that would be a crazy long blog post and you probably wouldn't read it), you can read the two resources we listed above for all the nitty gritty.

But lets talk about how you can utilize some of our products if you decide to dip your foot into the bullet journal pool.

1. Our new Arrow Journals with dot internal pages are 100% ready for bullet journaling. They have 80 numbered pages ready to catch all of your indexing and ideas. 

UPstudio Arrow Journal with Dot Pages, Bullet Journal

2. Our favorite aspect of the bullet journal system is how you can utilize it when making lists or what they call "rapid logging". Our Sticky Pad - Dots and the UPstudio Planner (in addition to our new journal) are perfect for this system. 

Rapid logging relies on a short description paired with bullets and signifiers. Every bulleted item is entered into your list with a short objective description. The type of bullet will help you organize entries into three categories: Tasks, Events, and Notes. Signifiers are additional symbols that serve to give bullets further context.

This is the basic breakdown of bullets and signifiers, but you are strongly encouraged to add your own as needed and make a legend for yourself.

Bullets Explained - UPstudio

An example list: Note that you start with the simple dot for all tasks and it morphs into one of the other three states as you complete or migrate items.

Example of List

One of the key components is migration. When creating a new list consider all items on your previous list(s) that were not completed (or simply still just noted with a "•"). Cross out items you no longer want to tackle and transform your dot into a ">" for those you migrate to a new list. If you're like us, you over-commit yourself with your to-do lists and end up migrating a lot of items.

We just brushed the surface on bullet journaling and we are by no means experts. Again, we highly recommend checking out the Bullet Journal website and this blog post by Tiny Ray of Sunshine for more in-depth information.  We're learning right along with you!

New Products - 2016 Spring Release! April 7, 2016 08:00

While you were out on Spring Break we have been hard at work behind the scenes to release new products, and are thrilled to share them with you today.  Get ready, we've got some really exciting stuff!  The shop listings are filled with a lot of information, but we'll give you the highlights of new products below.  Everything you see on the website will be available at upcoming shows and pop up markets, including the Pink Social Girl Tribe Spring Pop Up in Charlotte on April 16 (we hope to see you there!)

Drumroll please...

Planners and Calendars

I know what you're thinking: old news, right?  We'll release 2017 editions later this year, but while we still have some 2016 styles in stock, our prices have dropped AGAIN!  Planners are now $15 and calendars are $5!

Vintage Products

This is not a surprise as we've been advertising them on social media and had a previous blog post about them, but we want to stress that we're getting new items into the shop frequently, so make sure to check back on the website for what is available!  We'll post on social media too, so follow us on Instagram (@upstudionc) and/or Facebook if you want updates.  We are absolutely swooning over this adorable umbrella.


Sticky Pads

Hopefully you saw the poll that we launched and voted for your preference of sticky or non sticky for notepads.  Sticky was the official winner, so these beauties can now easily stay wherever you want them - on the refrigerator, in your planner, taken to the grocery store, on your bathroom mirror, etc.  The dot pattern can be used as a grid for list making, bullet journal style listing, or an impromptu game of dots (anyone else remember doing this on long car rides?)  Side note: check out this life changing sticky pad tutorial from Elite Daily on how to remove a sheet without the sticky side curling up.  So helpful!


Chick Flick Catchphrase Pencil Set

We loooove this new set of pencils because these lines from movies really speak to us.  One, all these movies are classics that we've seen countless times, but even out of context, you know exactly what they're referencing.  We wrote down every quotable quote we could think of and picked our top favorites.  Girly themed movies won this time, and we think it's perfectly appropriate for our #girlboss business.  (We'd love to hear your favorite and if these resonate with you!) #illhavewhatsheshaving


Everyday Cards

The line of Everyday Cards has also been expanded to include 4 new designs.  Highlights of these new cards include small images on the opposite side of the card, as well as some more occasion-specific cards instead of generic designs.  Each one is still all-purpose and BONUS - now you can purchase cards individually!  (Side note: did you know that April is National Letter Writing Month?  Snag a few of these and send out some overdue notes to friends or family!)



Last but not least are journals.  Heavy linen paper covers in the Arrows design protect your choice of either blank pages or dot filled pages to jot down lists, sketches, bullet journal lists, meeting notes, or whatever your heart desires.  All internal pages are top quality for whatever use you choose.  The best part is that these are perfect bound and lay flat!


We hope you are as excited about these new products as we are!  Let us know your feedback - what are you most excited about?  What Everyday Card is your top pick?  Do you prefer dots or blank pages in your journal?  What's your favorite quote from a classic chick flick?  What product do you hope to see next?  (Don't worry - we're already working on new ideas to come out soon!)

Apps we can't LIVE without! March 31, 2016 08:00

Everyone has those apps on their phone (or other device) that they just can't live without. The ones that when you stumble upon them, you can't imagine going back to doing things the hard way!

To aid you in stumbling across that perfect app, we've included our "made our life so much easier" app list below. We are both cheap people, so all of these are FREE!

Just a forewarning, we are both iPhone users, so for you Android and Window's phone users out there, we aren't sure if all of these are offered (but we hope they are for your sake).

Repost App for Instagram - UPstudio  Repost for Instagram App- UPstudio

Repost for Instagram
Prior to starting UPstudio we didn't really have too many instances where we needed to repost pictures on instagram from other's accounts. But now, we run into that need pretty frequently. We have found that Repost is the best free app to handle this. You can move the source banner and change its color to not interfere with aesthetics of the picture. It also opens the image in instagram automatically and it generates automatic text you can copy and paste if you so desire. 

 Wunderlist App - UPstudio Wunderlist App has Sublists - UPstudio Wunderlist App - UPstudio  

We've mentioned on multiple occasions how much we love lists! List of all kinds. I use my planner for most of my lists but I also use Wunderlist. There are times that I don't have my planner with me, or I'm out on the go and I have a great idea I want to jot down. I find inspiration everywhere and if I don't write it down in the moment, it will escape me. Within Wunderlist you can categorize your lists, you can make sub-lists, and you can even share your lists with other users. I find new amazing features everyday. 

Gmail App can use alias e-mails - UPstudio  Gmail App uses your signatures - UPstudio  Gmail app can log into multiple accounts - UPstudio

Most phones have their own interface where you can set up your e-mail. For my personal Gmail I typically use the default iPhone e-mail app, but for UPstudio the Gmail app is clutch, we can still look professional on the go. Google Domains hosts our domain for our website, through that we can have alias e-mail address. So our is just a cover that really sends e-mails to our account. (Makes us look more professional though, right?) From the iPhone default e-mail app we can only send e-mails from our actual e-mail account whereas through the Gmail app we can send an e-mail directly from or any other alias we have set up. Another great benefit is that our signature comes through when using the app (note you can't see it when transcribing an e-mail, but it is there, see image above). Also, not sure if you all are as folder crazy as we are, but sometimes you label an e-mail multiple things, so you can find it in multiple folders, well you can do this with the "label" feature in the app. Lastly, you can be logged into multiple accounts at the same time.

Google Drive App - UPstudio  Google Drive App - UPstudio

Google Drive
Not sure how many of you out there are Google Drive users but if you haven't gotten on the bandwagon you should. It is similar to Dropbox. Today we aren't focusing on all the #awesomeness of Google Drive, (we'll let you discover that on your own) but when you start using it, the app on your phone is pretty awesome. The app lets you view all of the documents in your drive. It allows you to have multiple accounts logged in as well, so I can view my personal documents and UPstudio documents without logging in and out. You can't edit your documents in this app, you will have to get the corresponding app based on your document type in order to do that (like Docs, Sheets, etc).

Goodreads App - UPstudio

Goodreads is one of the best ways to keep track of books you've read and books you want to read. It is also a great way to discover books because you can see what friends are reading. The app has all the functionalities as the website making it easy to quickly add a book to your "to-read" list that a friend tells you about over lunch. One other cool feature is that you can scan books to search for them. So if said friend had the book with them you could just swipe the barcode instead of typing it all in.

 Solid Joys Daily Devotional John Piper- UPstudio

Solid Joys
With our lives pretty hectic right now, it is hard to spend time in the word. Solid Joys is a daily devotional app from the ministry of John Piper. They are short but substantive.

Candy Crush App - UPstudio

Candy Crush
Don't judge me, I'm on level 508 and still haven't tired of this game.

Bloglovin App - UPstudio  Bloglovin App - UPstudio

If you're a blog reader, I recommend Bloglovin'. The app has almost all the same functionality as the website. I personally group blogs together so I can easily read in specific genres. You can create and edit groups from the app. In order to read full posts or to comment you will have to follow links to open the blog post in your internet browser, but that is pretty standard with mobile blog reading.

Dirty Dozen App - UPstudio   Dirty Dozen App - UPstudio

Dirty Dozen
This is the app version of the report and study done by the Environmental Working Group which talks about pesticides in foods. We're not afraid of a little bit of 'unclean' food in moderation, but we do like to be aware of what we're eating. This app is a quick reference guide to help you decide whether you need to buy organic or not (because let's face it: that can get expensive!)  The guide lists the 'dirty dozen', or the top 12 fruits and vegetables that commonly have the most pesticides found on them, and the 'clean fifteen', or the top fifteen cleanest (least pesticides) fruits and vegetables.

What apps do you use? We are always looking for new recommendations! 

Our Favorite (and not so favorite) Books March 24, 2016 08:00

I've recently seen a graphic which states that 'successful' people read every day, and 'unsuccessful' people watch TV everyday.  I must be somewhere in the middle because I love to read, but I also appreciate a good TV show (who doesn't need that mental break sometimes!).  But for today, we'll all pretend that we're on the 'successful' side of things (because, you're reading this right now so you fit right in!) and talk about books.  

At UPstudio we are avid readers... so much so that we have to limit what books we read and when so that we can focus on other things, because once you're in to a book, it's hard to take a break to get out - you have to finish!  MB is in a book club so she's in a slightly different boat, with deadlines for reading some books where as I read mainly for pleasure with no deadlines. We both are local library supporters, MB checking them out on her kindle and I go more old school and check out the real books. (Luckily we have an express library right across the street from our office, makes it super easy.)  These are just our personal preferences, but it boils down to the same thing:  we read a lot.  From guilty pleasures to chick lit, fiction and non fiction (and sometimes, science fiction), theory and silly, we love them all.  

There's just something beautiful about books and bindings and stacks in bookstores or libraries.  My husband will tell you that the first thing I did when we moved into our house 5 years ago was organize our books by color.  I would argue it wasn't the first thing I did, but it was done pretty quickly.  (worth it though, right?):

Especially as the weather is getting warmer, books seem to fit in to life a little more easily.  Who goes to the beach without a book to keep them company?  To help you prepare for your upcoming vacations, or maybe to add to your already established book list, here are a few of our favorites:

  • The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins / The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth - let's put it right out there.  Both of us are fans of a good teen fantasy series.  We read the Divergent series at the same time so could discuss all the good and bad (book 3, we're looking at you) together.  Confession: we were both known to stay in the parking garage an extra 5 minutes to finish a chapter before coming in to work.  Worth the read for both of them, but in my mind, The Hunger Games wins. (I also read The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld and would put this one nearer to the bottom of the list... still entertaining but written on a much younger level) (If you want to commit to a lengthier series and are okay with a little bit more sci-fi, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare was also a great read, but 6 books strong.)
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Such a classic that can either be read purely for pleasure or with a lot of insight of a failed American Dream.
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury - Another classic about a man who goes against society with his stash of books in a time where books are outlawed.  Instead of reading, people watch television that they are so engrossed in, they forget to have actual relationships with people outside of television.  A tale of human errors on a large scale.
  • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand - Give yourself some time with this one, but it's worth the long read.  The story of an individual who chooses not to compromise to fit into societal conformance, and stays true to himself.  (Plus, he's an architect, so, admittedly biased.)
  • Say Goodnight Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver - I've read this book more times than any other in my life, mostly in middle and high school, but it's one of those nostalgic books that really struck a chord.  A story of love and loss and life.  Bring your tissues.
  • Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster - I genuinely thought I was funnier after reading this book.  I LOVE Lancaster's point of view and her snarky comments in this autobiography of her life affected by the economic crash.  Her older autobiographies are all worth a read, while her newer ones are slightly less enjoyable (maybe it's the fact that you know she's doing things just to write another book?)  She's also recently written a few fiction novels which are fun and light reads.  
  • Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet - This book has everything from history to drama to romance, all in the setting of building a cathedral.  This is another long book, but definitely worth the time to read.
  • If you want to read some good historical fiction we would recommend All The Light You Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Such a good book set in the WWII era. On that same note Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay, another great book also during WWII. Both are beautifully written, but bring your tissues.
  • If you love a good thriller you should try Gillian Flynn's other books (because everyone has read Gone Girl already), Sharp Objects, and Dark Places. Where does Gillian come up with these stories? #crazy. They suck you in so quick and you're hooked. Personally I liked Dark Places the best.
  • A couple books we aren't huge fans of: Wild by Cheryl Strayed ended up being a great story, but not a lot of substance, she didn't really have a revelation on her journey, she didn't change. Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver was written well (I had to look up words constantly) but lets be honest, its essentially all just a big global warming argument. Lastly, Me Before You by Jojo Moyes left us conflicted, it was a good story, but morally we are torn on the ending, wish we had avoided that one. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, loved the book, but it could of easily been 300 pages shorter, things just drug out.

(A quick sidenote:  some of the books listed above have since turned in to Hollywood productions.  We strongly recommend reading books before seeing movies or watching a TV series - this way your mind can explore and imagine characters as it wants to without having a preconceived notion.  Plus, the books are just usually better!)

We would love to hear what's on your list of favorites too! 

Lessons Learned: LLC or S Corp? March 17, 2016 08:00

Lucky for you, a St. Patrick's day FLASH SALE is currently going on in the shop. 2016 Planners are only $10.08 and 2016 Typeface Calendars are only $5.04. Snag them for yourself and a friend while supplies last! Enter discount code LUCKYME at checkout. (On our website you can only use one discount code at a time. So those pesky cents are a result of us wanting you to be able to purchase both a planner and calendar in one haul!) Sale ends at midnight tonight EST (3/17)!

Last week, thanks to Becky, we had a "really personal" blog post. Don't know about you, but I enjoyed it, the honesty, the vulnerability, and I really needed that reminder, I am never alone and I am not in control!

So, I've been slated with following that act with a technical lesson learned, so definitely a change in pace, and probably SUPER boring for most of you. But again, to the person that finds it helpful, you are very welcome!

Once you've decided to take the plunge and start a company one of the first things you have to do is make your company "legal". In order to do that, you have to decide what type of business or structure you will have. For a small start-up company like us it really boiled down to a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or an S Corporation (S Corp) (the two most popular organizational forms today). Today I'll discuss the similarities and differences between an LLC and an S Corp.

Let us first say that choosing the type of structure (LLC, S Corp, or C Corp) for you company is confusing at best. There is no right answer, the question is what is the best fit for your company now and what will set you correctly regarding your future goals. Each state might also have different rules that come into play. That's why you'll want to get some input from a respected accountant and/or attorney to help aid your decision. We are just sharing what we have learned along our journey (please correct us if anything we have learned is incorrect).

Lets get this party started with some definitions.. 

LLC: A limited liability company (LLC) is an unincorporated association, a hybrid entity that combines the tax flow-through aspects of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation or a limited partnership.  

S Corp: Named after subsection S of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code. An S Corporation is a special hybrid type of entity, the S corporation elects to have a different tax treatment than its traditional C corporation cousin. For most purposes, an S corporation is not a separate type of corporation. An S corporation operates in the same manner as a regular corporation except it typically eliminates the the risk of double taxation.

Corporation: A corporation has a legal status or existence that is separate both from the individual(s) who forms it and its owners (stockholders). The objective of incorporation is to create a separate corporate entity with all of its attendant attributes, such as the independent right to own corporate assets. Income is taxed at the corporate level, and, if dividends are distributed, at the individual level as well (where the risk of double taxation comes into play).

Similarities between an LLC and an S Corp... 

  • Both are separate legal entities created by a state filing.
  • Both provide liability protection for their members/sharholders. This means your personal assets will be protected against debts, losses, and any court rulings against your business. You can't be financially responsible for more than your investment in the company.
  • An LLC and an S Corp are both pass-through tax entities which means the income, losses, tax credits, and other tax items of the business flow through to the shareholders/managers and no income taxes are paid at the business level. 

Some differences...

  • When first registering your company in the state of North Carolina it costs $125 to register an LLC and an S Corp. However both require filing of an annual report, $25 for an S Corp and $200 for an LLC in North Carolina. So an LLC costs more to maintain. Not sure how that shakes out in other states.
  • S Corps require a little more paperwork and are a little more difficult to set up. 
  • To raise capital, corporations often sell stocks. LLCs can only sell interests in their company.
  • S Corps have strict rules for how to remain compliant. Required formalities include: adopting bylaws, issuing stock, holding initial and annual director and shareholder meetings, and keeping meeting minutes with corporate records, etc. LLCs only have recommended formalities. In fact, with an LLC Operating Agreement you can essentially create the management structure of your choosing.
  • An LLC beats an S corporation for flexibility in allocating percentage of profits or losses among the owners.
  • LLCs are not recognized outside of the United States typically.
  • Non-U.S. citizens/residents can be members of LLCs; S corps may not have non-U.S. citizens/residents as shareholders.
  • S Corps can only have 100 shareholders, LLCs have no limitation.
  • The owner of a single member LLC doesn't have to file a tax return for the LLC, as they only report the activity on their personal tax return. 
  • Single member LLC owners are required to pay self-employment tax on income generated in the LLC.
  • The key advantage of an S corp is that it offers tax benefits when it comes to excess profits, known as distributions. The owner can be treated as an employee and paid a reasonable salary (tied to industry norms). FICA taxes are withheld and paid on that amount. Then, any remaining profits from the company can be distributed to the owners as dividends, which are taxed at a lower rate than income.
  • LLCs have more flexible tax reporting options. S Corps must file taxes as S Corps, as an LLC you can elect to be taxed as an S corp while retaining the structure of an LLC. 

Based on all the facts above we chose to be a Partnership LLC but elect to be taxed as an S Corp.

  • By default since we are an LLC with more than one member we are treated as a partnership LLC. No choice there.
  • We don't have anything squirrely going on with our percentages, everything is 50/50, gains and losses.
  • We don't plan to find investors any time soon (especially not from overseas).
  • We get the flexibility of how we want to organize our company.
  • There are less formalities and paperwork associated.
  • We can still choose to file taxes as an S Corp so we get the tax benefit listed above regarding additional profits. (Note: in order to be eligible to do this you have to meet some of the requirements of an S Corp, see the instructions for further explanation.)

Two final lessons learned (very fresh.. we learned them this week... and it involved a last minute dash to the post office)...

  • LLC tax returns are due by April 15th. S Corp tax returns are due by March 15th.
  • If you are an LLC electing to be taxed as an S Corp you must file Form 2553 (instructions) by March 15th of the year the election is to take effect. Example: to effect your 2016 taxes (to be filed March 15th, 2017), you must file Form 2553 by March 15th, 2016. There are some special circumstances, and there is relief if you miss the deadline (all is covered in the instructions link above).

UPstudio LLC versus S Corp

 Resources to Learn More:

Resources in North Carolina to Set Up Your Business:

I am Not in Control March 10, 2016 08:00 2 Comments

Just a forewarning... this post is about to get really personal.  (Becky here, and you may or may not know these things about me.  They're things that a lot of people have struggled with - job loss, struggles of giving birth - but are sometimes not easy to talk about.  I get through these things by support as you'll read below, so hopefully someone reading this will find it a helpful reminder.)

Do you ever have times in your life where you feel completely and utterly overwhelmed?  Times when there are circumstances outside of your control that have the power to make you feel so small and insignificant because you can do nothing about them?  I absolutely do.  There have been things happening in my life that really just get the better of me, and I let myself get caught up in them.  I feel sorry for myself and dwell on the situation, even though I can't do anything about it.

I graduated from college in 2007 and was fortunate enough to have multiple job offers.  I followed my Dad's advice (which I do now anytime I'm faced with a tough decision) and made an old fashioned list of pros and cons for each architecture firm, making my final decision based on the cons.  In the end I chose to work at a firm where I would be making less money.  It was smaller, so I would get a ton of experience, I would work on great projects with great people, and there were a lot of perks built in.  I loved working for this firm, but unfortunately the timing was just not right as far as the economy was concerned.  In 2008 there was a major crash that affected architecture significantly.  Many firms did not survive.  Those that did made a lot of cut backs.  The firm that I was working for had about 20 staff members total.  I remember a lot of closed-door meetings occurring for numerous weeks, and a lot of speculation going around between the people that were not in those meetings.  We knew what was coming, but we continued to work our hardest anyway.  I had several conversations with my husband about what we would do if I were to be laid off.  We discussed where we could make cuts on things that were luxuries, and knew we would be ok, but it was still daunting.  We were used to our situation and our income, and losing any of that would be a major change.  I left work on a Friday afternoon feeling so overwhelmed about the burden of what may come.  I was fighting tears in the car when I made a turn and suddenly the sky took my breath away.  The sunset was incredible and everything was a bright shade of pink.  It made my mind stop in it's tracks, and I felt a calm settle around me.  It was as if God took his paint brush and spread it out over the sky to remind me that I needed to stop worrying.  He said to me, 'I've got this, I am in control'.  I'd be lying if I said I completely stopped worrying, but I did stop obsessing.  I had a more constant thought in my head - the comfort of knowing that I wouldn't be alone in whatever may unfold.  The following Monday, 15 of us were laid off.  I am not bitter about the situation at all.  I thought I understood the circumstances, but come to find out our boss had been paying most of us out of his pocket for weeks.  This was just the type of guy that he was - selfless and caring.  I learned a lot working there and gained some invaluable mentors that I still reach out to (Jared, Becky and Jeremy, you guys taught me more than you know.)  I had surgery to remove my tonsils scheduled for a few days after the layoffs, but I had insurance, and I had built in time to recover.  I started working for my current company a few weeks after the surgery.  Lesson learned:  everything was ok.  My obsessive worrying was for nothing, and there was a better plan for me.

Today I'm facing a new overwhelming circumstance.  As I write this, I am less than 6 weeks out from having my second baby.  I'm excited, terrified, and on the edge of my seat waiting for this little one to arrive.  There's a big difference this time though, as I know that my little girl's delivery will take place on a certain date and time instead of waiting for her to decide when to come on her own.  My first delivery was traumatic and ended in an emergency c-section with a bigger than average (but very very perfect) baby.  This pregnancy is trending the same way, and I do not want another emergency situation, so with my doctor's advice, I have chosen to schedule the c-section.  Because the first time around was so traumatic, I can't get it out of my head that this time will be the same, even though my rational side knows that it will not.  Major surgery was nowhere on my mind when I went to the hospital to deliver my first daughter.  Recovery from labor and everything that goes with it in addition to recovery from major surgery was even further from my mind.  In the end we had a healthy baby girl and that is all that matters.  Nothing has changed about that this time around - a healthy baby girl is my number one priority.  But I am scared.  I am scared of willingly having surgery, scared of the recovery, scared of having to care for a newborn and toddler while recovering.  I have an incredible husband who will of course be there 100% and fantastic family members who will be there to help, but I am still scared.  Sometimes I let these thoughts creep into my mind until they grow and grow and I feel alone even though I'm surrounded by a support system.  Last week I was driving home from work, these thoughts turning over in my mind, and again, I turned a corner and the sky was all shades of low purples and pinks through the clouds.  Once again, my entire body and mind calmed itself after seeing these and I had the feeling of peace, knowing that God is in control and will take care of me. 

I'm not alone, I'm never alone, but sometimes I need a reminder.  God is there to give me those reminders when situations become too much for me.  I'm not in control, and I'm ok with that.  I'd rather be in His hands than take my chances on my own.

Vintage Items Added to the Shop! March 3, 2016 08:00

First, announcements:

  • 300 INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS! BAM! Big milestone for us. Thank you!
  • Terra of Earn Spend Live reviewed our planner on their blog. She totally gets us and what the UPstudio planner is all about. So if you're on the fence and want an unbiased opinion, check out her post. (Cause our blog is WAY biased, us being the designers, investors, criers, the whole shabang!)
  • Nominations have opened for the Indy Best of the Triangle 2016. If you're local to the Triangle, don't forget to nominate your favorites. (If we made the cut, we'd appreciate your nomination  in the following category: Shop: New Business in Wake County: UPstudio.)

Now, vintage, vintage, vintage... 

Have you fallen in love with one of our vintage accessories either at a show or in our product photos on the website? If so, you are in luck! We at UPstudio have curated a collection of unique vintage items that we think you will love.  We plan to add to the collection regularly as we come across great pieces. We will typically trend towards items that can be used at your desk (or decorate it). We launched the collection yesterday with three coil dog letter holders and three different brass letter openers. You can shop the collection here (they also show up at the bottom of our complete list of products in the shop).

UPstudio Vintage Collection

All items are authentic vintage which means there might be some imperfections that add to their character. We have described each item as accurately as possible. All images are of the actual item you will receive. Quality is a high priority to us. That beings said, rest assured, we will not post anything that we wouldn't personally purchase ourselves. 

We plan to add more products this weekend, so if coil dogs and mail openers aren't your thing, make sure to check back for the new additions! We will post pictures on our Instagram, Facebook, and twitter. (If you don't already follow us on social media, this is a great reason to start! #301)

Here Comes the Bride February 25, 2016 08:00

Don't you guys love wedding season?  Once the weather starts to get warmer, the save the dates start rolling in for occasions to celebrate friends and family and make memories. My husband (Mike) and I (Becky) have been married for 8 years now, and we are well versed in weddings.  We've witnessed a countless number of nuptials, with our best summer topping out at a whopping 10 weddings in 3 states.  

Weddings are the type of event that you remember - even if you just remember one aspect of it.  One gem that we attended had some last minute changes, as the bachelor party held the night before the wedding (not recommended) led to shaved eyebrows, fights, and a B-team groomsmen party as members were replaced.  I went to a beautiful wedding this past fall celebrating a totally fun couple.  Tyler and Alyssa are fearless and choreographed their own dance which was performed at their reception.  This was no surprise as Tyler's proposal was a day long event including a video of friends and family also performing (another) choreographed dance and giving opinions on whether she should say yes or not (spoiler alert: she totally did). (Not posting the video because yes I did the dance and I am TERRIBLE!)

Tyler and Alyssa kept up with the launch of UPstudio and loved our Everyday Cards so much that they decided to use them as their thank you cards.  We were thrilled to help them out, to say the least, and were happy to offer an entire line of envelope colors for them to choose from, so that the cards would match their overall theme and colors.  (And we'll totally do the same for you!  Just email us!  If you're getting married in or have ties to Raleigh, the Raleigh Streets or Nolli Dots cards could be perfect.  The Arrows and Sunburst cards are also neutral and a good fit for any occasion.  We are currently working on new additions to the collection, so keep an eye out!

My own wedding had a lot of homemade aspects to it since my husband and I created and printed our own invitations and programs, designed and fabricated all our decorations, and even used a life-sized cut out of my husband that my dear friend Katie created for my bachelorette party (but that's a story for another blog post)! We got married in March with the reception planned outside.  We knew it was risky, but we decided to take our chances anyway.  A week out, things were looking great:  the weather was predicted to be 70 degrees and sunny and we couldn't be happier.  I bet you can guess where this is going.  Four days later the weather report changed drastically - to 40 degrees with 20MPH winds.  So, we changed our venue.  I've never freaked out so much in my life (debatable), but I wouldn't change a thing about the actual day.  Even the part where my husband shoved cake in my face (and up my nose, and down my dress, etc.  I know I know, and we're still married!) (Sidenote: this photo which pretty much sums up the last 8+ years of my life, doesn't show it, but he totally started it.)

Photo by Hayne Photogrophers

Planning a wedding is straight up crazy.  There are a million things to coordinate, dresses to try on, cakes to taste (this was not a problem for me), flowers to choose, thank you cards to write.  Since we did so much on our own without a wedding planner, we had a dedicated notebook to record all our notes and decisions.  If I had the UPstudio Planner at the time, it would've been a lot easier to keep track of what was what, with the divisions in the weekly layout to divide tasks, and extra graph paper for ideas, sketches, and final decisions.  Even if you have a wedding planner, this could be helpful for your own sanity.  (Or, if you ARE a wedding planner - you can keep track of multiple weddings at a time with the divisions in the weekly layout!)

If you have an upcoming wedding - congratulations!  We are so excited for you!  Remember to take a deep breath, and try your hardest to enjoy everything you are doing for your special day.  It can be overwhelming beforehand, but it's over before you know it.  My best recommendation is to get a photographer that you're comfortable with and be open about what you want your photos to be.  Photos are the best way to reminisce, and your memories will last a lifetime and beyond.

If you're already married, congratulations to you too!  We think married life is pretty great, and we'd love to hear what your favorite memory of your wedding is, or any advice you may have for someone who is planning a wedding now.

Lessons Learned: Shopify Blog Images Not Showing Up in E-mail Subscriptions February 18, 2016 08:00 7 Comments

Some quick announcements:

  • Planners and calendars are 40% off! Snag one before we run out!
  • So remember that time we filmed a video flipping through the UPstudio Planner to help you all visualize the layout? Well, we found another solution (which was way easier than filming a video..whomp whomp). Flip through a sample here, or on the planner product page.

We have learned so much about starting a business, creating a website, creating a product, finding suppliers, (the list goes on and on) since we launched UPstudio last year. That being said, we have decided to start a blog series sharing things that we've learned on our journey that we think could be helpful to others. We plan to post once a month sharing something that we have learned or figured out. These posts might not interest all of our readers, but for the one person that is going through the same struggle, you're welcome, and good luck!

We use Shopify as the platform for our website (in a future post we will share why we chose Shopify instead of all of the other options out there). We use one of the free website templates with some added applications and coding. 

One of the factors that played into us choosing Shopify is that it offers blogging along with e-commerce capabilities. We understand the power of a blog and we felt it was the best way for us to share our story and share more about our products. There is so much that we have figured out in regards to our blog but today we are focusing on images in e-mail subscriptions.

We have supporters that aren't on social media and aren't typical blog readers that want a way to know that we added a new blog post. An easy solution is to send our blog out via e-mail for those that sign up. The best free options we found to do this were FeedBurner and MailChimp. In the end we chose MailChimp because we liked that there was more customization regarding the e-mail appearance. There are easy tutorials on both websites showing how to set up your subscription, just click on the links above. You can sign up to receive our blog via e-mail here.

We set up everything in both platforms to test out how the e-mails came through and to see what we liked and didn't like prior to advertising this service. Everything looked great, except our images weren't coming through on either platform. Lets be honest, no one wants to read a blog post with no pictures. 


A sample of a previous blog post:

UPstudio Actual Blog Sample

How it showed via e-mail with the FeedBurner e-mail subscription:

UPstudio Blog via FeedBurner

How it showed up via e-mail with the MailChimp e-mail subscription:

UPstudio Blog Via MailChimp

So, yea, not good... We proceeded to scour the internet for answers, trying every little thing we came across, all of which didn't work, leading us to believe we were in the minority. So, we asked the question, how is our blog different from the average blog out there? The light bulb moment: We are hosted by Shopify instead of a typical blog platform like Wordpress, Blogger, or Tumblr. So we change our focus to the Shopify forums (uber helpful if you haven't checked them out). We finally came across this discussion which explained our issue and had a simple fix. (This one paragraph covering like 3 months of searching and experimenting seems anticlimactic. For us, finding this forum, was like finding a gold mine.)

Summary of what we learned and how to fix it:

The blog feed (RSS) from Shopify sends your images protocol-less. The easy fix is to manually add the "https:" protocol to the source code. (Note that there are apps in the Shopify store that do this for you if you have have tons of pictures. These apps however cost money, so not an option for us.)

In layman's terms: When MailChimp or FeedBurner was reading our blog feed from our website there was an error. Our website wasn't explaining the location of our images correctly, so MailChimp or FeedBurner couldn't find them. So we just had to fix the explanation.

How to fix the issue:

When placing the picture above into our blog post, the html code that Shopify automatically generates looks like this:

Shopify Default HTML code for Images

In order for MailChimp, FeedBurner, or any other e-mail subscription program to locate your image file you simply add the text "https:" to the code. Do this by clicking on the "<>" button in the formatting menu:

HTML Code Button in Shopify Blog Post

Find the code regarding your picture and add the text in the following location:

Adding HTML Protocol to Blog Images in Shopify

To get out of the code just click on the "<>" button. You will notice that nothing in the view area has changed at all. The only difference is now MailChimp, FeedBurner, or whatever platform you are using can now find your image to display. VOILA! 

All of your images are stored within your site with their own link address. Essentially all you are doing is completing the link address so that your image can be found. So if you need a reminder of what text to add in your code, just find the link address for you image by going to Settings-> Files and finding that image.


Name of Files in Settings

Hopefully you could follow our fix explanation. For all those coding geniuses out there, we probably didn't use all the correct terms, so we apologize. 

Hopefully this helps fellow Shopify bloggers!

(Now let us go add the "https:" to all our images in this post so you can see them in our e-mail!)

Planner Feedback February 11, 2016 08:00 2 Comments

First, an announcement:  ALL PLANNERS AND CALENDARS ARE NOW 40% OFF!!!  If you haven't picked yours up yet, now is the perfect time with a great discount.

We're just over a month in to 2016, but our thoughts are already half in 2017.  That's right - we're already working on the next version of the UPstudio Planner!  As you probably know by now, we take this planner idea pretty seriously.  It is something that we both use on a daily basis to (try to) stay organized, it's the idea that sparked UPstudio, and it's something that we've put so much time and effort into developing, that it's practically another child.  All that aside, we create all of our products for YOU as well, and that's why it's so important for us to hear your thoughts.  

We've shared how we've been using our planners along with our personal thoughts on them in previous blog posts here and here.  We love seeing and hearing how you're using your planners, and some of your thoughts regarding what you love and what you think could be better.  Check out a few of these fun images of the UPstudio 2016 Planner in use around the country:



(photo credit from left to right: Knox the Dox, Coral and Charm, planner user Chelsea from NC, planner user Juliane from NC, The Blog Market)

Don't forget to tag us in your pictures on Instagram (, Twitter (@upstudionc), or on Facebook and include our hashtag #upstudionc.

In today's post, we'll share some of the feedback that we've received, but please know that as we continue to work, we still want to hear from you!  It's not too late to email us at hello@upstudionc.comcontact us through the website, leave a product review, etc.  We appreciate everything that we hear, and I guarantee you that 100% of comments are considered.  Remember, our main goals for the planner are versatility and simplicity, so any changes that we make will stay true to those ideas.

Thank you to those who have shared your thoughts!  We've gotten a lot of positive feedback and we couldn't be happier, but we're perfectionists and this is a work in progress, so here's a list of items that users have generated for future ideas (*items with an asterisk denote multiple users agree):

  • more durable cover, potentially water resistant*
  • times noted on both pages of the weekly layout*
  • weeks that span multiple months: should they fall in the earlier or later month?*
  • more portable and compact, with smaller overall thickness*
  • perforated pages at the beginning or end for tearing out lists
  • changing the binding so that all pages lay flat*
  • less oversized binding so that Wednesday is easier to write on (Thursday if you're left handed)*
  • personalization of the cover
  • closure mechanism*
  • pen holder*
  • correct printing errors (this is more of a note for ourselves: there are several items that didn't print exactly as our files showed and we want to make sure this is remedied)

We are already busy working away at some of the ideas above that we would really like to incorporate.  Once we decide what we're definitely proceeding with, you all will be the first to know!

We're also loving the feedback we're getting via reviews in the shop, like these:

 I was so excited to receive my 2016 Planner from UPstudio. It arrived soon after my purchase date and came wonderfully wrapped. It is beautiful and simple. I love the layout, the full month calendar, weekly layout with plenty of room for writing, goals for each month, and blank pages at the end of each month (which I plan on using for notes and daily lists). I will be able to combine all of my schedules- work, church, mom life- into one planner, neatly and effectively. Not to mention it is just the right size to fit into my oversized purse :)  -Amanda H from Virginia

This little book will lead a hard life, but a busy one.
I'm a mobile groomer, who does most of my office work at 70 mph commuting. So my planner has to be workable with one hand holding a pen and often a dog on my lap. I keep it banded open to my right, where I can put in appts. and notes. It may suffer water threat from the working part of my van, if the phone rings while I'm working and I take the call with a wet dog on the table. Yesterday was it's maiden voyage, and so far, so good. Ask in a month or so, and I'll have customized it and (I think) particularly enjoyed its clean design and sturdy construction. Hope your year has started well, and more to come!  -Pat G from California

Do you agree with the comments above?  What else do you love or hate?  Tell us all your hopes and dreams! (I mean, at least the planner related ones?) 

Valentine's Day Card Roundup February 4, 2016 08:00

Are you guys as card obsessed as we are? We love hunting down the perfect card for every occasion (at least for those we decide not to use our Everyday Cards for). With only 10 days left till Valentine's day, time is running out. To help you out we've rounded up a handful of our favorites...

UPstudio Valentine's Day Card Round UP

photos courtesy of websites linked below

  1. True Love is the Greatest Adventure by Ladyfingers Letterpress. We love the fun 3D aspect of this bad boy!
  2. Hugs and Kisses by Egg Press. Sweet, simple, and foil stamped.
  3. Dog Love Card by Ladyfingers Letterpress. But seriously, who doesn't love their dog more than 99% of people? (They also have a cat card, for all the cat peeps out there.)
  4. Bisous by Hello! Lucky. The lovely french word 'bisou', in short, is a kiss on the cheek.
  5. Acorn Nuts About You Card by 1canoe2. A Raleigh shout out, city of oaks!
  6. Everything Bagel by Fishcake Design Studio. One of our husbands may or may not be getting this one (we'll see if he reads this blog post, #test).
  7. Amazing Single Friend Valentine Card by Emily McDowell Studio. For your amazing single friend that you can't believe hasn't been scooped up by prince charming yet.
  8. Achin' for your Bacon by Egg Press. Everyone loves bacon, so why not put it on a card?
  9. Talk Nerdy to Me by Little Lovlies. The graph paper backdrop of this card is totally calling our name (have you noticed our slight obsession? graph paper everywhere, please!).

What card are you planning to give this Valentine's Day? (Or share your favorite source for cards, we are always on the lookout!)

How Becky Uses Her 2016 Planner January 28, 2016 08:00

Hi everyone!  This week it's my turn to give you guys some more information about how I've been using my 2016 Planner.  But first... a couple of reminders:

  • We really hope to see you all this Saturday from 12-5 at the West Elm pop up at Southpoint in Durham! Click here for specific location in the mall. If you bring us a donut we'll probably give you a discount. 
  • If you have purchased a 2016 Planner, we want you to give us your feedback!  Don't be intimidated by the length of these posts, we don't expect you to do the same thing we're doing... but we would LOVE some honest responses - what do you love about the planner?  What do you hate?  How can we make it better?  Don't sugar coat things - we're tough, we can take it!  Feel free to email with anything you want to tell us.

Ok, down to business.  I do love this planner, but I'm going to be up front about a couple of things I have in the back of my mind right now too:  the cover, while beautiful, is not sturdy enough for the wear and tear of going in to a bag to transport on a daily basis.  We knew this might be an issue, but we wanted the simplicity.  Don't worry, we're looking in to it for next year!  I am not using all the pages so far, probably for a couple of reasons: 1) I write really small, 2) I am super scatterbrained right now and sometimes forget to write things down (pregnancy brain is a real thing - just ask my husband), 3) am I the only one who is not in the swing of things after the holidays?  There have been holidays and snow days that are just throwing me off.  Ask me in a few weeks what my planner looks like and I'm sure it'll be a lot more full of sketches and lists (soooo many lists!)

I know a few people we've talked to have had plans to decorate their covers.  I've kept mine as designed, and have not been using a closure for it and it's worked well for me.  I do have one sticker on the inside cover opposite the folder to celebrate my alma mater (Go Hokies!)  The folder is well used with appointment cards, some random notes, and receipts for my 2 year old's swim and soccer lessons (I can't wait to see the hilarity of a bunch of toddlers 'learning' these sports).  

I'm using a few of the graph pages to keep running lists of things... quotes I like, books I want to read, movies or TV shows I want to watch, etc.  I'm finding that I shy away from the non-graph paper for anything list related.  I really love a straight line and so that's what I gravitate towards.  

The month layout highlights any all day events or special memories, and the weekly layout is what sees the most use.  I've been using the top section with the times in mind in order to lay out my day and keep my appointments or meetings.  I like that there is space at the top to still write an all day event, so I have a reminder on the pages that I refer to the most.  I use a clip between the current weekly layout and the month layout for quick reference too.  The 3 sections are divided into meal planning, UPstudio to-dos, and miscellaneous.  I love having a space for meal planning, and being able to divide up my UPstudio tasks from my day job tasks.  The bottom portion of graph paper is always my weekly to-do list.

I'm not using up every single portion of every single page, but I don't feel bad about it.  I like having extra space to be able to have an impromtu coloring book for my daughter, or take notes at a meeting, or layout sketches for new product ideas (sorry, can't post any here yet!).  I probably don't need all 5 pages of graph paper at the end of each month, but I love the idea that I can write my grocery list on one and tear it out to take to the store with me.  

I'm also testing different writing instruments to see what I like best.  I prefer a pen over a pencil, and my current favorite is the grey colored Le Pen as it doesn't bleed through but still is very easy to read.  I've used a few other colors too for organization of things... birthdays and events in purple or teal so they stand out more and I don't forget them!

As we continue to use the planners, we are constantly taking notes and making plans for the 2017 version.  We want you to be invested and feel 100% confident in the product that we are creating, because we are creating it for you.  Once again, we welcome any comments, good or bad (but we hope there are at least some good!) and look forward to hearing from you all!

How MB Uses Her 2016 Planner January 21, 2016 08:00

Hi Everyone,

Mary Beth here! As you all know, since you've been blasted by all of our social media, we released a 2016 Planner. We designed and created it ourselves, and it is something we are pretty proud of. Even though we meticulously thought through every decision regarding the layout, we too are experiencing it for the first time with you all. We did trials and felt it out in short bursts, but regarding the long haul, we are newbies just like you. One of the key features that sets our planner apart is the versatility. The layout is set up so that you can choose what you utilize each section for. Today I'm going to share the different ways I've been using my planner so far. Next week, it will be Becky's turn.

(As a side note, in case you don't make it to the end of this post, we really want to hear how you are using your planner and any positive or negative feedback you might have. We are already working on the 2017 UPstudio planner and desperately need all your thoughts. We want next year to be even better!)

So, let's start at the beginning... The double sided folder. Including the folder in our design was a non-negotiable in my mind. I have had so many planners in the past that either didn't have a folder or had one that was inconvenient to use (cough cough Moleskine). I also really wanted it big enough to put a folded 8.5x11 sheet of paper in, so that ended up driving our final planner size.

In the front folder, I put tons of miscellaneous stuff. (Note that for the pictures, I've blurred out stuff that is personal, or that gives away fun upcoming UPstudio stuff! But yes, I just upgraded to a new iPhone with Verizon.. haha)

UPstudio Planner has a double sided folder!

You can see in the picture above that the corners of my cover are getting a little worn. One of our goals for 2017 is a cover that will be more durable.

In the back side of the folder I keep all of our UPstudio receipts and miscellaneous things like envelope samples. Essentially a holding ground until I file things away.

UPstudio Planner has a double sided folder

My gold binder clip then takes me to the current monthly goals page. I've decided to use this area to put my monthly goals for UPstudio. Plenty of space. I think I'm going to like how it is divided into three sections. 

UPstudio Monthly Goal Sheet

The goals sheet is followed by the monthly layout. I'm using it to track UPstudio happenings. I include things like our social media posts, our blog posts, meetings, and events. I also have randomness on the side. I'm really focusing on collecting my random scribbles (the ones I used to write everywhere and not be able to find when I needed to reference them later) in my planner, anywhere I find space.

UPstudio Monthly Layout

Then my gold Christmas tree clip takes me to the current week... this is where the fun stuff begins!

UPstudio Weekly Layout

  • For the first two weeks I tried using the times on the left of the large section as a guide and boxing out my appointments. But I felt like I was wasting a lot of space, so I switched it up and decided to use that section as my daily to-do list. So far its been working out great. This way I can schedule to-dos in the future, like things I want to follow up on.
  • I've struggled with finding three things to fill the bottom section. The first two weeks when I was using the top section for appointments I tried using the three sections to subdivide my daily to-do list. I ended up overflowing the boxes regularly. 
  • I moved my daily appointments to one of the bottom three sections. 
  • I love to track things, so I decided to use one section for tracking stuff like steps, sleep, glasses of water I drink, etc. The options are endless. I'll probably try tracking different things each week to hone in on what I like to see weekly. I've also calculated averages at the end of the week to easily compare week to week. Tracking really helps me hold myself accountable. It's like a personal guilt trip!
  • In my final section I have my meal planning, or really tracking. With a newborn at home I've been eating out a lot, so this section is two fold in it's purpose: 1. to meal plan and 2. to make myself feel bad for eating out too much.
  • I'm in love with the graph paper on the bottom. I use it for my UPstudio weekly to do list. I put my shopping lists down there. I put misc. notes that aren't tied to a specific day. IN LOVE!

My third love (after the folder and graph paper on the weekly layout) is the 5 pages of graph paper at the end of the month! 

UPstudio graph paper in Planner

UPstudio Planner Plain graph paper

I've already used three of the pages to take notes at meetings, make lists, and brainstorm ideas. Sorry for the tons of blurred items. Don't want to give away all of the fun things UPstudio has in store for you!

If you can't tell, UPstudio is taking over my life, in a good way. Was our planner or our company created for the other? 

Tune in next week to see how Becky has been using her planner.

Our First Video!! January 18, 2016 08:00

Before the super fun stuff, lets start with a few announcements...

  1. We are excited to announce that we will be doing a pop-up at the Southpoint West Elm on Saturday, January 30th from 12-5. Pencil us into your planner! Click here for specific location in the mall.
  2. We finally figured out the best way to deliver our blog posts straight to your e-mail. Click here if you'd like to try it out. Long story short, this took some time and elbow grease (and tons of forum reading), enjoy!
  3. Planners and Calendars are 20% off!!


When we started UPstudio with the goal of designing the perfect planner, we didn't realize what all we were getting ourselves into, in a good way. We have had to wear many different hats and we have learned SO much. 

Last week we tried on the videographer hat and decided to make a feature video for our 2016 Planner. Who knew there was something better than 1080p? We do now, hello 4K.

Our main goal with this video is to reach the more visual customer. Those people will skip over the description of our planner and just look at the pictures (they've skipped all this explanation and have already watched the video... haha). Without reading our planner description one would miss key features that set the planner apart that can't be captured in photos. Examples: the double sided folder, the 5 pages of graph paper at the end of each month, etc. So, by watching us flip through the planner, you can see it all. You can pause on each page and zoom in if you'd like. (Please zoom in, we filmed it in 4K just so that the text would be crisp enough for up close and personal viewing.)

This is our first attempt at creating a video, so be gentle with your comments...


Here are some funny behind the scenes pictures for your viewing pleasure.. (and yes, this is some double gorilla tripod action #macgyver)

UPstudio Video Behind the Scenes  UPstudio Video Behind the Scenes   UPstudio Behind the Scenes

Ramble January 14, 2016 08:00

We've met a lot of really cool people recently, including local store owners here in Raleigh.  As you may have seen on our social media, the 2016 UPstudio Planners are being carried in Gather Goods Co. and So & So Books, and Ramble Supply Co. is featuring both Planners and Everyday Cards.  We're so excited to have started these relationships with some pretty fantastic stores, and wanted to take the time to highlight them as well.  Today we're going to focus on Ramble.  

Jessie Connor opened Ramble in November 2014, after moving from NYC and taking a sabbatical to do some travelling.  Her life in New York was exciting, but she started to feel bogged down by the day to day grind of being overworked.  As she contemplated her future, she made a tough decision to pack up and leave.  If she missed NY, then she would return, but if she didn't, it was a sign to start on a new adventure.  She literally explored different areas coast to coast before landing in Raleigh.

Having grown up in Wilmington and having family nearby, Raleigh naturally felt more like a place she could settle.  Jessie's brother owns another local store and encouraged her to take her expertise from her previous job and open up a store to highlight quality products from all over the world.  She did just that, and has been very successful for the past year. 

The Ramble Supply Co. shop is beautiful and simply adorned with a well thought out layout.  The A-framed displays and doorways create a unique character and coziness.  The vibe is friendly and comfortable, and leaves you wanting more.


Beyond just a storefront, Ramble hosts some amazing classes and events, from DIY's to First Friday's and parties that you don't want to miss.  Be on the lookout for their next event in January to learn how to make Kombaucha in a Fermentation Class.

 note: see Ramble Supply Co. website for event dates

We especially love this little corner of Ramble, which UPstudio is privileged to call home for a while:

Next time you're in downtown Raleigh, make sure to stop in at Ramble and say hi to Jessie (and her adorable new puppy, Dolly!)



Ways to Use the 2016 Typeface Calendar January 7, 2016 08:00

The 2016 Planner has overshadowed the 2016 Typeface Calendar pretty drastically. Today we are going to give the calendar its long awaited spotlight.

First, let's cover the basics:

  • This is our version of a wall calendar, but you don't necessarily have to hang them on your wall, there are many uses (which we'll discus shortly).
  • The calendar consists of 12 unbound 5" x 7" 130# cover weight pages.
  • Each month features an UPstudio original design at the top. We creatively utilize a different type in each design, hence our calendar name, 'typeface'. If you want to check out all 12 designs, we showcase them over on our Instagram account today.
  • There is then a single line for each day of the month (labeled by the day of the week and the date) for you to use however you'd like.
  • The back is black with our logo at the bottom in white. The back can be seen in the feature image on the product page.

So, hopefully you have a visual now. As a tangent, one thing we have learned is a definite struggle of having primarily only a website presence is that people want to touch and feel your product prior to purchasing, and have some familiarity with it. We hope that by being extremely descriptive you can experience our products enough to want one for yourself! That being said, please let us know if after reading about a product you are still left with questions.

We've had many people ask us what they could use our calendar for. Ask and you shall receive - here are a handful of ideas (but don't let this list limit you):

Post your UPstudio calendar at home or work to keep track of eventsYou can use it as a wall calendar. I (Mary Beth) have it on my fridge to keep track of household things: when the recycling is coming, when we need to change the filters, birthdays, anniversaries, family events, heartworm for Bauer, etc. Anything and everything our whole household needs to remember. You can use it for the same thing at your desk at work to keep track of big meetings or events.

Use your UPstudio Calendar in a PresentYou can stick it in a present in lieu of or in addition to a card. Here I stuck it in a baby shower gift and labeled the due date for the mom to be. This could work for any gift giving event. 

You can send our calendar as a cardSimilarly you can stick it in the mail for any special occasion. Use it as a birthday card, anniversary card, congratulations, etc.


You could also use our calendar to track any type of goal or data:


  • Let your children use it to track amount of time spent reading each day
  • Track the length of your runs, or the amount of time you exercised
  • Use it to track your calorie intake, your weight, or Weight Watchers points
  • Use it as a countdown calendar to a big event
  • Use it to write down a memory a day while you're pregnant, or after you give birth as a keepsake
  • Track big events in your babies first year like when they smile or roll over for the first time
  • Use it to meal plan for the upcoming month

Limitless, seriously limitless...

What are your fun ideas? How do you plan to utilize your UPstudio 2016 Typeface Calendar?

Here's to 2016 December 31, 2015 08:00

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!  We can't help taking a look back at 2015 and feeling pretty good about our accomplishments here at UPstudio.  It makes us even more excited to see what 2016 has in store.  We have a lot of plans, both in business and our personal lives, and it'll be a busy but fun year.  Keep an eye out for new products, giveaways, and involvement from you guys!

A new year always feels like a new start, so let's talk resolutions.  Actually, let's not talk resolutions, because they are rarely met after the first week of the year, right?  Instead, let's set goals, but not beat ourselves up if we don't quite make it there.  I for one (Becky), miss the mark constantly, and hit my reset button almost weekly.  Here are a few of the goals that we're setting for 2016:

  • Spend time with a daily devotional (Becky and Mary Beth)
  • Get as organized as we can with the 2016 Planner and Typeface Calendar (Becky and Mary Beth and UPstudio and everything else)  Have we convinced you yet that you need one of these?  They are still on sale now!!!
  • Create new additions for the Everyday Card line (UPstudio)
  • Spend quality time with family (Becky and Mary Beth)
  • Read more books (Becky and Mary Beth)
  • Get nursery ready for new baby girl this Spring (Becky)
  • Meet lots of awesome makers in Raleigh (UPstudio)
  • Document firsts and fun things as Walt grows up (Mary Beth)
  • Eat more cupcakes (Becky and Mary Beth)
  • Figure out how to avoid vacuuming the stairs - seriously the worst (Mary Beth)
  • Avoid changing out of pajamas (Becky)
  • Finally make a toast to creating UPstudio... between pregnancies, newborns, schedules, and more pregnancies, we have still not officially toasted the launch of UPstudio.  This will absolutely be remedied in 2016 with some champagne goodness (Becky and Mary Beth)

What are your goals?  Will 2016 be the best year yet?  I'm thinking that it will be.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go set my alarm to go off at 11:55 so I will wake up for the ball drop after inevitably falling asleep on the couch.  Cheers!