Book Review: Bossypants by Tina Fey June 8, 2017 05:00

Is anyone part of a book club? Well, I am. I know, nerd. I think the best part (following the great friends, food, and wine) is that I end up reading books I really like that I probably wouldn't of otherwise picked.

I recently read Bosspants by Tina Fey and thought I'd write a brief review.

(Side note, I use Goodreads to keep track of the books I want to read, very user friendly, and there is an app for your phone.)

Bossypants by Tina Fey

I think Tina Fey did a great job with this book. Her goal was to just share her story. Essentially she hit the high and low points of her life. It isn't written like an autobiography where you get every little detail. She condensed it to 275 pages of just the good stuff. The book makes you feel like she is just sitting in front of you talking. Her voice and humor read perfectly. Instead of summarizing the plot I'll share with you a few thoughts and things I learned:

  1. Tina Fey wrote Mean Girls. (I know I'm not the only one who loves this movie and had no idea Tina Fey wrote it.)
  2. Tina Fey also doesn't understand why "blond" hair isn't called "yellow" hair. Why do we just get "brown" hair?
  3. "An Irish Goodnight" is when you have guests over and you start screaming and throwing their coats down the stairs in order to get them to leave.
  4. The three worst kinds of female behavior are: 1. saying "like" all the time, 2. leaving your baby in a dumpster, and 3. girl-on-girl sabotage.
  5. What you should give your kids: "The gift of anxiety. The fear of getting in trouble. The knowledge that while you are loved, you are not above the law."
  6. Tina Fey went to the University of Virginia.
  7. Tina Fey and I both have had the pleasure of working at the YMCA.
  8. Vendeteria. Think cafeteria with lots of vending machines.
  9. If you are ever on a cruise ship and hear "bravo" said four times you are going down to your watery grave.
  10. The most important rule of beauty is, "Who cares?"
  11. "Only in comedy does an obedient white girl from the suburbs count as diversity." Tina Fey obviously doesn't know anything about structural engineering.
  12. "It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don't like something, it is empirically not good."
  13. America's most serious and pressing issue is Photoshop. "Photoshop is just like makeup. When it's done well it looks great, and when it's overdone you look like a crazy asshole."
  14. Umm... I hope all the people in the chapter "Dear Internet" exist.
  15. "If you want to see a great pilot, watch the first episode of Cheers."
  16. Definition of blorft: "Completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum."
  17. Tina Fey, I love you for including the line, "These are not the droids you're looking for", in your book.
  18. I'm not the only one that doesn't get Hooters.
  19. Oprah smells nice.
  20. You can blame your farts on your baby.
  21. Tina Fey doesn't have a driver's license.

I apologize for the long list, there were so many more that I earmarked. Let me reiterate here, her hilarious, edgy humor definitely comes out in her book. I recommend the read. Short, sweet, and funny. (Side note: my book club friends shared with me that Tina Fey reads her book on Audible and it is amazing.)

Anyone have any good books they've read recently that they'd like to recommend?